JAKARTA - The name Doddy Sudrajat is increasingly being discussed by netizens. Since her son, Vanessa Angel, died in a car accident, her appearance has drawn controversy in the community.
Several conflicts were also present between Doddy and the family of H. Faisal, Bibi's father who is Vanessa's mother-in-law. In addition, there were five actions by Doddy that made netizens shake their heads.
Custody of CustodyDoddy and Faisal compactly apply for custody of Gala Sky, the son of the late Vanessa and Bibi. As a grandfather, Doddy wants to raise Gala and wants his grandson to recognize his mother's family.
Doddy also prepares a museum containing Vanessa's belongings. He hopes that with the museum, Gala can find out about Vanessa Angel's journey throughout her life.
Move TombIt has not been 40 days, but Doddy already intends to move the daughter's grave to her mother's grave. He remembered that Vanessa had asked to be buried beside her mother when she died.
In addition, Doddy admitted that Vanessa came to his dream and mentioned the desire to move the grave. Another reason is that the location of Vanessa's grave is currently close to the highway, so Doddy is afraid that one day his grave will be demolished.
Mayang and Chika's CareersIn the midst of mourning the death of Vanessa, Mayang and Icha - Vanessa's younger sister, released a new music video under the auspices of "Vanessa Family."
Doddy also stated that the musical careers of his two children had been formed for a long time and the cover video was not made for mere aji while.
No Aunt's NameApproaching 40 Days, H. Faisal and Doddy also made Yasin books for their children. If H. Faisal embeds Vanessa in his Yasin book, it is different from Doddy who does not add a single detail about Aunt, Vanessa's husband.
Doddy also changed the name of the Gala Sky Ardiansyah to the Gala Sky Adhan. This immediately irritated the netizens for changing the name of the child.
Sowing Flowers in TolA few days before the 40-day recitation, Doddy Sudrajat was seen sowing flowers at the crash site of his daughter on the Jombang Toll Road KM 672.
Through his Instagram, he shared a portrait while sowing in the middle of the Jombang Toll Road wearing an all-black outfit. He also wrote, "Alfatihah my son Vanessa Adzania, husnul khotimah son."
"Daddy loves you very much, but Allah loves you more," he continued. He intended to pray at the place where Vanessa Angel died.
In addition, he also wrote his gratitude to Jasa Marga officers who accompanied Doddy when he saw the location of the incident. "Thanks to Jasa Marga officers who also accompanied us when we wanted to see the location of the incident to pray," he said.
Concert Taste StudyDoddy held a 40-day recitation located at The Tribata, Dharmawangsa on Monday, December 13. In the event, Mayang and Chika sang two songs in memory of their brother.
Warganet also found a bracelet to enter the recitation. This bracelet is purple and enshrined by Puput, Vanessa's mother. They chose purple according to Vanessa's preference.
Vanessa Angel and her husband, Bibi Ardiansyah, died in a car accident on November 4, 2021. Vanessa and Bibi died on the spot while their child, Gala, was declared safe.
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