Know The Causes And Natural Ways To Overcome Sweaty Palms
Illustration of the cause of sweaty palms (Unsplash/Luis Quintero)

JAKARTA – While waiting for an exam or presentation, some people may sweat their palms. Apart from that, sweaty palms are also caused by hormonal changes such as those experienced by women entering menopause.

In conditions that are not related to certain diseases, doctors call sweaty palms with palm hyperhidrosis. Sweating is a vital work function to help the body cool down. Reported by Medical News Today, Tuesday, December 7, if the body sweats under normal conditions, then you experience excessive sweating.

Palmar hyperhidrosis or palmar hyperhidrosis is a condition where the palms are sweaty to wet due to several factors. Besides those mentioned above, such as feeling nervous and menopause, some people with obesity also experience it. Sweaty palms are often experienced in childhood and improve after the age of 40 years and stop at the age of 60 years.

In some cases, people with hyperhidrosis have sweaty palms and swollen fingers. Meanwhile, there are also conditions that affect it, including taking prescription drugs that cause sweaty palms, drinking alcohol, infections, tuberculosis, diabetes, thyroid disorders, stroke, cancer, and Parkinson's disease.

There are several ways to deal with sweaty palms. As a natural way that has been proven to relieve sweat on the palms, namely with sage, chamomile, valerian root.

Another way is with acupuncture, hypnosis, and relaxation techniques. Although these methods do not have much scientific evidence showing their effectiveness, they are often used as a way to relieve sweaty palms.

To be diagnosed with palmar hyperhidrosis, the doctor will ask for a history for 6 months. This means at least experiencing sweaty palms after 6 months which is experienced once a week.

The doctor will also perform a minor test, namely by sprinkling cornstarch on sweaty palms. If it causes dark blue hands as a reaction, it is diagnosed as palmar hyperhidrosis.

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