JAKARTA - As the mother of Noah, Bunga Citra Lestari always pays attention to the nutritional intake that her child gets through food. Therefore, BCL is classified as a mother figure who emphasizes the importance of reading labels on processed food packaging to ensure that the products purchased are in accordance with the needs of themselves and their families.

According to him, reading food labels is not a complicated matter, especially if you want to provide the best choice for your family. "In my opinion, reading food labels is not complicated. It doesn't take long, it's very simple, just see what order one is in, that's correct," said BCL, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, December 3.

BCL said mothers need to choose food products that match their children's nutritional needs to ensure their growth and development runs as optimally as possible.

"As a mother, we feel that it is our responsibility to raise children, one of which is to make sure what they eat. They can't choose what is best for them. Of course, we must be able to choose, to make sure the children get the right nutrition," she said. .

According to BCL, all mothers want to get the best for their children, but some do not realize the importance of reading and understanding food labels. This is where, he continued, the importance of educating those who are not yet aware of it.

Regarding children's nutrition, BCL admits that it cares. He even consulted a doctor to ensure the nutritional needs of children according to their age. She also ensures the right food ingredients to support her child's growth and development.

"Choosing the right ingredients to support Noah for optimal growth and development. One of them is to look for cheese, because Noah likes cheese, so I looked for the right cheese. The main ingredient is cheese," said Bunga Citra Lestari.

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