JAKARTA - Indonesia's beauty business is growing very fertile. More and more local skincare brands are popping up, offering quality products that are not inferior to foreign skincare. Maybe not a few people are still hesitant to try local skincare. The reason is because domestic products do not offer as good quality as foreign products.

However, if examined further, local skincare actually has many advantages over foreign skincare products. Especially if you look at the majority of Indonesian women's skin conditions who live in the tropics.

For those who are still hesitant to try local skincare products, let's look at four reasons why you need to include local skincare in your daily care routine, based on an explanation from skincare enthusiasts, which was launched on the Beautified page, Friday, December 3.

Suitable for Indonesian skin

Skin care products are usually formulated based on the character of the country of manufacture. For example, European skincare products focus on four seasons of care. As for local skincare products, it is certain that the research and production process is carried out in Indonesia. Which of course is made for Indonesians. Most of the materials used are local, where Indonesia has a very rich biodiversity. It is certain that local skincare is safer and more suitable for Indonesians.

Perfect scent and texture

There is a reason why local skincare has so many fans. This is because domestic skincare products are designed according to the tropical climate. Compared to external skincare, local ones have a lighter texture, suitable for people who live in hot weather. In terms of aroma, it is more in line with Indonesian tastes because it uses local ingredients.

Affordable prices

Local skincare products usually tend to be more affordable than imported products. This is because it uses local ingredients and is produced locally. Even so, the issue of price must also be seen in terms of quality. Local skincare is now very diverse. Some are expensive, some are cheap. Of course, the expensive ones have better quality than the cheap ones.

Environmentally friendly

As a smart generation who cares about the environment, it is important to choose products that are committed to environmental sustainability. And now there are many local skincare products that come with sustainable, natural, and cruelty-free concepts. More than that, local skincare products are definitely more environmentally friendly than imported products. This is because the distribution channel is short, it does not produce too many carbon emissions that have the potential to cause a climate crisis.

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