JAKARTA - Sad news came from Alvin Faiz. His biological brother named Ameer Azikra just died on Monday, November 29. This news was conveyed by Alvin Faiz through an upload on his personal Instagram page.

Before he died, Ameer was known to have a liver infection and had been in a coma for several days. In this condition, Alvin Faiz had uploaded his togetherness with his younger brother and asked for prayers for his recovery.

Alvin and Ameer are known to be very close. No wonder, if Ameer's departure makes Alfin very devastated and lost. The following is a portrait of Alvin Faiz's warm memories with his younger brother, Ameer Azzikra, which VOI summarized from Alvin's Instagram page.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

Alfin and Ameer look compact as brothers. When they were little they were often mistaken for twins. This is because their age difference is fairly close. Alfin was born on February 4, 1999, while Ameer was born on December 20, 2000.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

With only a slight difference in age, it's no wonder that Alfin and Ameer often do various activities together. For example, taking part in studies or holding religious events at the Azzikra Islamic boarding school, a legacy from his father, the late Arifin Ilham.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

This activity has often been done by both of them when they were still kids. The late ustad Arifin Ilham was happy to bring his two sons to attend the event at the cottage.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

Like ordinary young people, Alfin and Ameer also like to hang out and shop together amidst their busy schedule of taking care of a boarding school.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

In fact, it is not uncommon for Alfin to invite Ameer for a boy's day out with Alvin's son, Yusuf.

Alvin Faiz and Ameer Azikra (Instagram /@alvin_411)

When Ameer Azzikra got married on June 10, 2021, Alvin also took the position of marriage guardian to replace the late Arifin Ilham.

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