JAKARTA – Stomach nausea and vomiting can be triggered by various factors. Like catching a cold or being in a vehicle when traveling long distances. One way to get rid of nausea without taking medication is to massage 5 acupressure points.

Acupressure, reported by Healthline, Tuesday, November 23, is a traditional acupuncture-based treatment method. The difference is, if acupuncture uses needles to be inserted at certain points on the body. If acupressure by massaging or pressing the same points with the aim of relaxing muscles and increasing blood circulation.

When feeling nauseous that makes the body feel uncomfortable, you can try massaging the 5 points below with your thumb or index finger for 2-3 minutes.

1. Pericardial point 6 (P6) or Nei Guan

The Nei Guan point is located on the inside of the wrist. A study showed that after anesthesia and surgery, when pressing on the pericardium point 6, nausea can gradually go away.

Specifically, the location of the Neie Guan point is under the muscle that is often seen. Massage the center with your thumb and the other four fingers around your wrist.

2. Colon point 4 (L14) or He Gu

Nausea caused by digestive problems and headaches can be helped cured without medication. This means that by pressing the He Gu point, the nausea can subside. The He Gu point is the colon 4 point, located between the thumb and forefinger.

The massage area can be recognized when the thumb and forefinger knit together will stand out. Massage the back of the protruding hand for 2-3 minutes and repeat several times.

3. Heart point 3 (LV3) or Tai Chong

The massage area is known when you put your feet on the floor. On the instep, between the big toe and the other toe is the Tai Chong point. Massage the area on both feet.

4. Spleen point 4 (SP 4) or Gongsun

Opposite the tai chong points, or on the inside of the feet, are acupressure points that connect to the spleen. Massaging this point can help with nausea caused by stomach problems.

To massage, take a sitting position to be comfortable. Turning the soles of the feet to the side or towards the body, massage the Gongsun point for a few minutes. To be precise, Gongsun's point is under the ball of the foot.

5. Abdominal point 36 (ST36) or Zu San Li

Slightly rising above, or below the kneecap, is called belly point 36 or Zu San Li. This point not only helps with nausea but also cures other health problems. A study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management in 2012, found that asthma, GERD or acid reflux, and stress can be helped to ease by massaging the Zu San Li point.

If you feel nauseous for no apparent reason or don't go away if you massage the acupressure points above, it is advisable to see a doctor. Because nausea may be a serious symptom.

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