JAKARTA – Everyone has a variety of personality traits. When bound as a couple, husband and wife, for example, two people with different characters need to understand, accept, and find ways to keep the household harmonious.

Having a chatty partner is something to be grateful for. However, couples often ask the same thing, are too controlling, never feel enough, many requests, to be sensitive to their surroundings, still the best partner in your opinion. That means there are effective ways to keep domestic relationships harmonious with a chatty partner.

The following methods, you can implement in everyday life. Check the list below.

1. Be a good listener

Too many words are not infrequently tired. However, being a good listener is a way to keep communication going well. Understand what he is saying and it may make you wiser.

2. Avoid answering spontaneously

Avoiding spontaneous answers doesn't mean you have to be quiet and let your partner continue to nag. Quoted from Bonobology, Friday, November 19, you need to understand that when your partner nags it means that you are in an unfriendly situation. Arguing and responding spontaneously only makes things worse.

Wait until he calms down. Then talk to him, he will definitely understand when the tide has receded.

3. Remember, the boss is never wrong

Having a chatty character is not a mistake. There is nothing wrong with a person's character. You and your partner just need an effective way of communicating, understanding each other, and accepting each other's character.

Think of a chatty partner as a boss who can never go wrong. This makes you more tolerant of the character. Avoid sparking a debate that will never end. Just listen, reflect, maybe you really need an evaluation from your partner to become a better person.

4. Understand and fix the problem

Unhappy marriages, mostly due to a lack of communication. If your partner continues to nag, try to understand the problem at hand. Then we can fix the problem together.

5. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to apologize

A chatty partner doesn't always nag for no reason. Check again what has happened, if you make a mistake don't be afraid to apologize.

6. Seeing things from your partner's point of view

Seeing things from your partner's point of view is one way to understand them. If he keeps bringing up past mistakes, understand why.

7. Talk from each other's perspective

If you're trying to understand the perspective of a chatty partner, he or she needs to do the same. This is necessary because building an emotional bond requires understanding, repairing, and trusting each other. Also make sure your partner knows how the effect of his nagging on you so that the relationship remains balanced and neither one dominates.

Chatty couples talk about the same thing not without reason. Maybe there are small things that can be improved and self-improvement or changing daily habits that he feels are not appropriate. Communicate wisely, avoid uncontrolled emotions that are harmful to your relationship and your partner.

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