JAKARTA – Feelings that are very sensitive affect temperament and mood. If a child has feelings that are easily touched or easily disturbed by events around him, according to psychologist Elaine Aron, it is due to the nervous system that reacts quickly and is very aware of things around him.

Aron presented data that as many as 20 percent of children have a very sensitive temperament. Reporting from Today's Parent, Thursday, November 18, children who are very sensitive do not always experience sensory processing disorders or in psychology known as sensory processing disorder (SPD).

Children with sensitive feelings are more due to personality or idiosyncrasies, not because of low tolerance or sensory dysfunction. To identify your child's personality, identify the following signs they have very sensitive feelings.

1. Easy to empathize

Children who are very sensitive easily get carried away emotionally and empathically. When they see their loved ones angry, they can feel anger at the same time.

2. Sensory processing is very sensitive

It's not just the style of clothing that often triggers comments or cries. But also the label that is still hanging and he feels disturbing, can be a trigger for his emotional expression. Even the sewing of clothes can make them protest.

3. Process something deeply

According to Aron, when children investigate, use wise words, or sentences that are commonly used by adults, they even have difficulty making decisions because they think about so many possibilities. This is one sign that your baby is very sensitive so it processes something deeply.

4. Requires a gentle approach

To discipline their children, parents often let out a high-pitched voice. But for children who have very sensitive feelings, this will not be effective in disciplining them. They need a gentle approach.

"A very sensitive child will internalize everything you say and reinforce it," says psychologist Jadzia Jagiellowicz.

His advice, speak calmly and candidly when disciplining. Ignoring minor infractions may be helpful.

5. Difficulty sleeping after a tiring day

After a tiring day, a very sensitive child is still active in his mind and consciousness. Making him fall asleep faster, is impossible. For that we need calming activities to reduce the intensity of stimulation and help children who are very sensitive to relax, suggests Jagiellovicz.

6. It takes time to introduce new things

Highly sensitive children can be hesitant about new people or experiences. Gradual introductions need to be done, said Jegiellovicz.

7. Their senses are very sensitive

They can hear the sound of airplanes before anyone else actually hears them. They also smell the slightest odor that is almost imperceptible to others. He can recognize sound, sight, smell, touch, even subtle changes in the appearance of the people around him because his senses are more observant.

Jagiellowicz suggested, it is important for parents who have children with very sensitive. It's challenging, but try to stay focused on helping them through intense moments by reducing the amount of stimulation.

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