JAKARTA - When you choose not to have sex with your partner, there's nothing wrong with that. There are many reasons that can cause sex life to stop for a moment, maybe because of busyness or communication with a partner who is tenuous. However, if held for too long it will have a significant effect on health, including women.

Basically, having healthy sex is when both are comfortable and consensual. However, when you, women, refrain from having sex with your partner especially during the marriage period, there are some effects that you should know about this.

Curious what the effects might be when a woman doesn't have sex for a long time?

Stress and anxiety

When you have sex with a partner, two things happen. Closeness and intimacy with a partner is increasingly awakened, as well as keeping oneself away from stress. By having sex, the body releases hormones that can help control symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Ability to remember

The effect that may occur when a woman has not had sex for a long time is a decreased memory ability. Several studies have found that people who have sex more often have better memory skills because sex helps the nerves in the brain work better.

Immune system

The hormones released during sex also help the body in boosting its immune system. If you have sex less and less, it increases your chances of getting common illnesses such as colds and flu.

Health of the genital area

Not having sex at a later time for women can have an impact on the health of the genital area. When you decide to have sex again, after a long period of not doing it, the genital area will take longer to produce lubricating fluids that make sex more comfortable for women.

Pain during menstruation

Some women find sex a way to deal with menstrual cramps or pain. The increase in endorphins caused by sex can help with pain and cramps.

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