JAKARTA - The Tubagus Joddy family expresses their condolences and apologies for the accident that killed Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah. Tubagus Joddy's father, Tubagus Endang Lesmana, said that his son had no intention of harming Vanessa and Aunt.

According to him, Joddy was quite shaken by the incident. Endang and his wife immediately went to East Java to accompany their son when they heard about the accident.

“At that time, Joddy was shocked. After arriving there, I didn't ask a lot of questions because I saw that he was daydreaming a lot. Maybe he feels guilty for his negligence," said Endang when met in Bogor, West Java, Monday, November 15.

Tubagus Endang had time to hold back his tears when he said this. "He also couldn't believe it, had time to ask 'Mah Joddy, why are you okay, why are you Vanessa and Mas Aunt?' That's the communication with him," he said. He hoped that the Tubagus Joddy issue was expected to be resolved quickly. Currently, according to Endang, Tubagus Joddy is in good condition. He remains steadfast in serving his sentence and is ready to take responsibility for what he has done.

"Thank God, Tubagus Joddy's condition is good and he is ready, he is strong to face this legal process because I also have a mandate from Tubagus Joddy," said Endang.

Tubagus Joddy is also said to be cooperative in going through every process. He will not defend himself and admit the mistakes that his son has made.

"Tubagus Joddy will not defend, treat justification because he is ready to be responsible for all this. Because he is a good person, it is purely Tubagus Joddy's fault for his negligence," said Endang.

As a father, Tubagus Endang gave a message to Joddy to be honest in the process of investigating Vanessa Angel's accident. "I ordered the first five prayers to be guarded. Second, be honest. I asked to be honest when giving information, because it facilitated the investigation," he recalled.

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