JAKARTA - Falcon Pictures raised the theme of a hitman in a film called Senzano Savana. This film juxtaposes Duke Dolken with Baby Jovanca.

Rako Prijanto, who was trusted to work on this film, admitted that he had a formidable challenge. However, after seeing the results he felt happy.

"Some of the toughest challenges are when we have to shoot at the beach which is hype. So, if we are late it will be a bit crowded, and the sun will be high. So we are racing against time. about who Savana is. The scene is quite heavy, but the results in my opinion are satisfying," he said during a virtual premiere, Friday, November 12.

Meanwhile, Adipati Dolken admitted that he found the challenge to play the character Senzano in this film. "I've never played a dark character like this before. Besides that, I also have to research, how the hell is an assassin," he explained.

Meanwhile, Baby Jovanca said she was very happy, because her first film could work with the best people. "Senzano Savana is my first film. Incidentally, Adipati and I have known before, so it's not difficult to get the chemistry. And I'm very happy, because my first film can work with Mas Rako, Adipati, and Revaldo," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by Revaldo who plays the antagonist in this film. "I'm playing the character Rafi here. The character is a cruel person, but a coward. Actually, I've been hoping to work with Mas Rako for a long time. Finally, I accomplished it. To act in this film, I didn't find it difficult, because Mas Rako was very helpful during filming," he said. .

The Senzano Savana film airs on the KlikFilm streaming service, on November 12, 2021.

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