To Be More Durable, Here's How To Treat Hair Smoothing Results
Illustration (Mossholder/Pexels Team)

JAKARTA - Smoothing is one of the procedures that many people choose to straighten their hair without having to use hair styling tools such as straightening irons or other tools. You can get hair smoothing treatments at the nearest salons.

With smoothing, straightened hair will look more natural, soft, and healthy. Hair care after smoothing is not just using shampoo and conditioner, but also using other treatments such as hair masks and serums. If the hair after smoothing is not treated properly, the hair can be damaged and return to normal. Hair is an asset that must be taken care of perfectly.

There are a number of ways to treat smoothing hair so that it doesn't return to its original state and stays awake. See how.

Don't wash it right away

The way to treat hair after the first smoothing is not to wash it immediately. You need about 3 days for the smoothing drug to absorb perfectly and work on the hair. Try to avoid water on the head because the smoothing drug that has not been fully absorbed can be wasted along with the water. After 3 days, then you can wash your hair again. However, you should also remember not to wash your hair too often. The reason is that it can make your straight hair return to its origin. Plus, frequent shampooing can also make your hair dry and damaged.

Use dry shampoo

Dry shampoo can be an alternative to shampooing without water which is suitable for smoothing hair. Dry shampoo is a dry shampoo that does not need to be rinsed. This product is generally a spray that is very practical and you can take it anywhere. By using dry shampoo, your hair will be fresher and smell good. Hair will also not be limp because of the oil on the scalp. It's best if you don't brush your hair first so that the product is completely absorbed.

Don't use hair styling tools

The next way to treat hair after smoothing is to avoid electric hair styling tools such as straightening irons and using a hair dryer. You need to let your hair dry naturally and you also don't have to worry about wavy hair because a good smoothing treatment can hold your hair to the desired shape for a long period of time.

Use a hair mask

The use of a hair mask is important for maintaining healthy hair. If it has passed 3 days after smoothing, the next treatment is not just washing your hair but don't forget to use a hair mask to nourish your hair to keep it smooth and soft, making it easier for you to take care of smoothing hair.

Use a sulfate-free shampoo

Sulfate-free shampoos are a good and necessary choice for smoothing hair because they are milder, contain no sulfates in their formula, and ward off chemicals in treated hair. That way, this shampoo can gently clean your hair without damaging it after chemical treatment.

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