JAKARTA – On Wednesday, November 10, the winner of FFI 2021 was announced yesterday. Sri Arawinda Kirana's name was mentioned as the winner of 5 people in the Best Female Leading Actor nomination. This 20-year-old woman plays the character Yuni in the film directed by Kamila Andini, Yuni.
As a newcomer actress, this achievement is quite brilliant. As Yuni, she also has unique dreams or pleasures. Looking at his social media, in the portrait he shared on his Instagram account, the name @arawindak often wears woven fabrics. Curious about the portrait? Here's the list!

The first portrait, Arawinda includes the title 'clothed together' in the hashtag for her portrait upload. He wore a kawung-patterned batik cloth and a red flower-patterned kebaya.
Uniquely, he combines it with a modern spirit and feels 'young'. Arawinda is wearing sunglasses wearing beaded laces and oxford shoes.

Arawinda admitted that theater was the starting point before he entered the world of acting in films. Since the age of 6 years, he went to dance school. Then teach acting and dance to school students. Until the age of 17 years, he directed the musical theater style 'Broadway'.

In the portrait above, it is a camera capture when Arawinda plays a character in the Nusantara Musikal Theater entitled 'Nurbaya'. That means that his acting skills are honed to be sharper and proven when he wins Best Actor in FFI 2021.

The ornaments in the outfit that Winda wears – as Arainda is called – are indeed unusual. With the title Nusantara cloth, he often includes batik ornaments and fabrics from Nusantara products. Included in the portrait above, he is wearing a ikat from Donggala.

Getting and wearing the cloth, the Makassar cloth, according to his description in the upload, Arawinda admits that she is happy.

Linking another account belonging to Arawinda, named the @bumiwinda account, this woman also supports slow fashion. So, not only have recognized acting skills but also contribute to environmental issues.

In addition, together with his colleagues Arawinda also fought for the daily use of wastra among young people.

Still wearing cloth, Arawinda shared a portrait known for its Balinese fashion and makeup accents.

Arawinda admitted that in the introduction to the portrait upload above, she wrote "Dance and batik - two of my favorite things."

Last year, through her acting in the film Quarantine Tales which was screened on Netflix, Arawinda Kirana was awarded the Best Newcomer Actress award at the 2020 Maya Cup.
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