JAKARTA - Ussy Sulistyawati couldn't hold back her tears while attending the recitation and prayer for Vanessa Angel and Bibi. During the recitation, Vanessa's photo and video collage was played which made Ussy cry.

As a friend, Ussy still feels sad. "If an ordinary person sees the video, he will cry. Vanessa is like a sister, we can talk about many things that don't need to be shared outside," said Ussy, in South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 10 night.

Even though they are newly married, Vanessa and Aunt according to Ussy can be an inspiration for her and her husband who has been married for a long time. "They inspired me to fight from zero until now. What is sad for me is when they are happy that this incident happened," he explained.

"They fell up and down, up and down until they died together. Is this a life and death match? A good husband aunt, funny, and what it is. The funny thing is that they make us laugh to ourselves. I love to laugh at their uploads," he recalled.

Ussy regrets not being able to meet Vanessa when she comes to her house. "That's what I regret, Vanessa wants to go to my house, I have work. Why is there work so I can't meet you," said Ussy.

Responding to the fundraising for Gala Skay from citizens, Ussy Sulistyawati said she was grateful. "I think about Gala, I keep thinking about it. God willing, I will see the Gala directly. Thank God if someone raises funds, many love Gala, Vanessa Angel and Bibi," he explained.

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