JAKARTA - After the success of the film Teman Tapi Menikah, the collaboration between director Rako Prijanto and actor Adipati Dolken is back, through the film Senzano-Savano. In this film produced by Falcon Pictures, Adipati will compete acting with actress Baby Jovanca.

To eliminate curiosity, the poster and trailer for the film Senzano-Savana was officially released. This film tells the story of Senzano, a hitman. At some point, he wanted to quit his dark life.

It's just that he has the last task he must do before he retires, which is to kill someone who turns out to be his ex-lover, Savana. Rako Prijanto revealed that he had new challenges in working on this Senzano-Savana film.

"My impression is that directing this film is like a new experience. With the pandemic situation and the industrial climate that adjusts to its own challenges. Because, to be shown in OTT and the pandemic situation, everything is limited. The challenge for me is how to keep presenting the work while maintaining the cinematic," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by Adipati Dolken. With the existing limitations, he hopes this film can be entertaining. "I hope this film can be enjoyed and entertained the audience," said the husband of Dyah Cantiputri Tachril.

Meanwhile, Baby Jovanca said that she was happy to have the opportunity to compete with Adipati Dolken in acting. "I'm very happy to have the opportunity to be involved in this film, and compete acting with Adipati. Hopefully all can enjoy this film," he explained.

The Senzano Savano film will air on the KlikFilm OTT service, on November 12, 2021. The following is the link for the trailer for the Senzano-Savana film.

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