JAKARTA - The departure of Vanessa Angel and Bibi in the eyes of fellow artists who also escorted them to their final resting place at the Malacca Islamic Cemetery, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, left sadness and deep memories.

One of them is from Tya Arestya, an Indonesian model and actor. Tya represented his other friends attending the funeral procession for Vanessa and Bibi.

"Representing friends, because not all friends can come, right, because the conditions are like this. Maybe it's Ms. Shandy who just met," said the woman of Malay and Batak descent, North Sumatra, to VOI, Friday, November 5.

Meanwhile, according to Shandy Purnamasari, before the fatal accident happened, Vanessa had visited the event with her aunt.

"Had come to our event, wearing white and white clothes with Aunt. Then, it was really different. When I came home, I said, thank you, Beb has come," Shandy recalled to VOI at Vanessa's funeral area, Friday, November 5th.

After receiving news that Vanessa and Bibi's car was involved in an accident on the Jombang Toll Road towards Surabaya Km 672, Shady admitted that he was very surprised.

"When I was told there was no (died) I was really shocked, shocked," said Shandy.

Meanwhile, Vanessa's other friends who were present at the funeral also said they had no inkling of the deadly accident that Vanessa and Bibi experienced.

"Nothing, because the person is so cheerful. It's really nice to always come to events and always take Gala (Vanessa Angel's child) everywhere," said Shandy.

As is known, the graves of Vanessa and Bibi are placed next to each other at the Malacca Islamic Cemetery, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.

Until Friday, November 5, noon, mourners for the relatives of the deceased and the deceased continued to arrive to offer prayers at the graves of Vanessa Angel and Febri Ardiyansyah.

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