JAKARTA - Ahead of the Jakarta gubernatorial election, several survey institutions conducted opinion polls. The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) in its survey stated the superiority of the Pramono Anung – Rano Karno pair. Meanwhile, Poltracking Indonesia did the opposite, stating that the Ridwan Kamil – Suswono pair was superior. In fact, the survey was conducted in the same time period and at the same location. The question arises why the survey results are so different, who was wrong or whose survey was incorrect. After conducting an investigation, according to the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Public Opinion Survey Association (Persepi) Philips Jusario Vermonte, they found that the data collected by Poltracking Indonesia could not be verified. That is why the Persepi Ethics Council imposed sanctions on Poltracking Indonesia. Here is the full interview.

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