JAKARTA - Keeping blood sugar levels stable is very important for health, especially for diabetics or those who are at high risk of experiencing a jump in blood sugar.
In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, consuming certain vegetables can help control blood sugar levels naturally. Here are 5 vegetables that are known to have benefits in reducing blood sugar levels, as reported by the Healthline page.
1. Brokoli
Brokoli contains sulforaphane, a natural compound that can help lower blood sugar. Sulforaphane is formed when broccoli is cut or drilled. Several studies show that broccoli extracts rich in sulphorephane can increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar and oxidative stress.
broccoli sprouts are also rich in glucosinolate, which according to research can help increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.
Untuk mendapatkan manfaat maksimal dari sulforaphane, broccoli dan kelambahannya sebaiknya sebaiknya diumumkan raw, dikus ringan, atau ditambah depuk biji mustard ke broccoli yang telah diparik.
2. Labu
It is rich in fiber and antioxidants, and has long been used as a traditional medicine for diabetes in countries such as Mexico and Iran.Labu contains complex carbohydrates called polysokarides, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Several studies show that anchorage extract and powder can significantly lower blood sugar. Labura seeds also contain healthy fats and protein, which is good for keeping blood sugar levels stable. In a small study, consumption of 65 grams of labu seeds can lower blood sugar levels after eating by up to 35%.
3. Kale
Kale is often referred to as a 'superfood,' because it is rich in fiber and antioxidants of flavonoids, which can help lower blood sugar levels.
In a study in 42 adults in Japan, kale consumption of 7-14 grams along with high-carb foods proved to reduce blood sugar levels after eating. Antioxidant flavonoids in kale, such as quercetin and kaempferol have the effect of lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity.
Kimchi is an salted vegetable made from fermented white palm oil, cabbage, and other vegetables. CHine contains probiotics, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to health
Research shows this food can help control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity. A review in 2021 found that probiotic foods have a positive effect on blood sugar management in type 2 diabetics, especially for those who have not done insulin therapy.
5. Okra
Okra contains polysocidal compounds and flavonoid antioxidants that can help lower blood sugar.
Okra seeds have benefits in controlling diabetes, because of their strong effect in lowering blood sugar. The main polysacarchide in the octra, the rhamnogalakturonan, has been identified as a powerful anti-diabetic compound.
In addition, okra contains flavonoids such as isoquercitrin and quercetin 3-O-gentiobioside, which can help lower blood sugar by inhibiting certain enzymes in the body.
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