YOGYAKARTA – Many people think that cold temperatures trigger more eating and therefore weight gain. Not entirely true but there is a scientific explanation why when the temperature is cold it is easier to gain weight.
When the temperature is cold, the body's metabolism tends to slow down. This is influenced by the role of the thyroid in regulating metabolism which tends to be faster when the temperature is higher. Launching Live Strong, Wednesday, July 27, when the body is active, the body temperature is warmer. So as if the heat is the result of a fast metabolism. On the other hand, when you are constantly exposed to cold temperatures, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy and heat. But in a short time spent in cold temperatures, will not slow down the body's metabolism. For example, walking in the snow is not enough to make your metabolism work slower.
However, when the endocrine system is not functioning properly, the core body temperature may drop. The effect slows down the metabolism.

Western bodies rise during the winter months, a matter of simple correlation. Not the result of a slow metabolism. But eating too much nutrition around the holidays can play a role in weight gain in cold weather. Similarly, if you usually exercise regularly, because it is cold outside, the frequency of exercise is reduced.
Another thing that affects metabolism is low body temperature. A low body temperature sometimes indicates hypothyroidism. Symptoms vary widely, but your doctor may suggest changing your diet or taking treatment to treat it.
Well, to speed up metabolism so that at least your weight is stable when the temperature is cold, you can do a number of healthy ways of living. Like regular exercise with muscle-building movements that burn more calories than fat. Second, eat small portions at every meal or make smaller meals more often instead of having one or two large meals.
That's the reason why you gain weight. Not only is it correlated with slowing metabolism in cold temperatures, but it requires the body to remain active to maintain a normal core body temperature and encourage normal metabolism.
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