JAKARTA - The Food Cluster State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the Agriculture sector through PT Sang Hyang Seri (SHS) have exported their first rice to Saudi Arabia. The amount of rice to be exported reaches 140 tons with a value of 148,400 US dollars and is carried out in stages.

President Director of PT RNI (Persero) Arief Prasetyo Adi said that the momentum for the release of the initial rice export was a milestone for the Food Cluster BUMN to go global in rice commodities.

"In addition to meeting the national need for rice commodities, RNI and SHS have also realized exports to meet Saudi Arabia's demand," he said in a written statement, Friday, October 29.

Arief said that rice export activities would be carried out in stages. In October 2021 it shipped 20 tons, or US$21,200. Meanwhile, in November 2021, exports will increase to 6 containers or 120 tons, with a value of 127,200 US dollars.

"So that in total until November 2021, we will export 7 containers of rice or approximately 140 tons of rice, with a value per ton of 1,060 US dollars, or a total of 148,400 US dollars," he explained.

Furthermore, Arief said that this export activity was in line with the steps taken by the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir to continue to improve food transformation, and today we proved it through the export of rice commodities.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT SHS Employee Gunarso said that sang rice rice was produced in his own land with the Mekongga variety with Super Premium quality that was in accordance with international standards, through the export of sang rice, PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) contributed to the state or government.

"This is a matter of pride and we are proud of the domestic product, Indonesian Rice for the World, which is produced by PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero)," said Gunarso.

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