JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of National Export Development together with PT Astra International Tbk released one container of Aceh Gayo Arabica coffee to the UK with a value of around Rp. 1.4 billion.

This coffee is managed by the Darul Mujahadah Al Waliyyah Islamic Boarding School, PT Merador Kopi Berjaya, and the Gayo Leuser Antara Cooperative. In this collaboration, we are committed to increasing the export capacity of about 755 villages in the DSA program so that they are competitive and able to compete in the global market," said Director General of National Export Development Didi Sumedi as quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 24.

The export release took place today in Takengon, Central Aceh. Representing the Regent of Central Aceh, the Regional Secretary of Aceh Tengah Regency Subhandhy was also present, and witnessed virtually by the Trade Attaché in The Hague and the Trade Attaché in London. Darul Mujahadah Al Waliyyah Islamic Boarding School, PT Merador Kopi Berjaya, and the Gayo Leuser Antara Cooperative are Aceh coffee facilitators. Gayo Desa Sejahtera Astra (DSA) Takengon, who has been working together to foster Aceh Gayo coffee farmers. Didi explained, in the program, the two parties agreed to create at least 100 villages that were able to export independently and get repeat orders within a period of two years of cooperation. The Director of Export Development Cooperation, Marolop Nainggolan, said that this export release is expected to make coffee from Indonesia known more widely. Britain is Indonesia's 9th export destination with an export value of 15 million US dollars. "We hope that this export release activity will mark an increase in the value of Indonesia's coffee exports, as well as bring Aceh Gayo coffee to be better known to the world," said Marolop. Signing of Letter of Intent

After releasing exports, PT Astra International Tbk signed a Letter of Intent with The Coffee Cupping International (CCI) headquartered in the Netherlands. The signing was carried out by Executive Producer of The Coffee Cupping International Sharon Reyes and Head of Environment & Social Responsibility PT Astra Diah S. Febrianti. In addition to covering the commitment to purchase coffee to be shipped in early 2022, this collaboration also includes capacity building for farmers and sustainable development of Indonesian coffee plantations for the global market. Currently, the Netherlands is Indonesia's 23rd coffee export destination with export value of 3.88 million US dollars. "This signing is also a follow-up to the delivery of DSA coffee samples facilitated by the Indonesian Trade Attaché in The Hague, the Netherlands a few months ago," said Marolop.

According to the Head of Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Astra International Tbk Bondan Susilo, in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, Astra provides support for capacity building, production facilities improvement, and European standard cupping certification for Aceh Gayo coffee farmers and producers.

"Meanwhile, the Ministry of Trade provides support to open market access and export promotions to buyers through the network of Trade Representatives abroad," he added.

The Takengon DSA program provides social impacts, especially growth in the economic sector of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Takengon, especially for Aceh Gayo's superior coffee product.

The focus of coffee farmers assisted by DSA Takengon are spread across several areas, including Bukit Kemuning, Berawang Dewal, Jagong, Gegearang, Merah Said, Paya Dedep, Wihni Durin, Angkup, and Atu Gajah.

Marolop added that the Ministry of Trade appreciates and congratulates Central Aceh Regency, which has succeeded in developing coffee as one of its leading export products.

“Aceh Gayo coffee is an example of an Indonesian Geographical Indication product that was first recognized by the global market, especially the European market. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade always pays attention to the development of Gayo Coffee Geographical Indications,” said Marolop.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in the January-August 2021 period, coffee is Indonesia's leading export commodity, with the export value of coffee reaching 476.76 million US dollars.

In the same period, Aceh was Indonesia's 4th largest coffee-exporting province with an export value of US$49.89 million. Meanwhile, the main export destinations for Indonesian coffee are the United States, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, Italy and Spain.

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