JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower through the Directorate for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PPMI) continues to make various efforts in preparing for the reopening of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) to Taiwan, as the positive number of COVID-19 in Indonesia decreases.

The Director General of Binapenta & PKK of the Ministry of Manpower, Suhartono, said that the Ministry of Manpower on 27 September 2021 had issued SOPs (standard operating procedures) to the Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Company (P3MI) and the Overseas Job Training Institute (LPK-LN).

After the issuance of the SOP, the Ministry of Manpower together with the Presidential Staff Office, BP2MI, and representatives of TETO (The Taipei Economic and Trade Office) conducted a three-day Roadshow from 5-7 October 2021 to P3MI/LPK-LN both in West Java province. , Central Java, and East Java. The goal is to ensure that P3MI/LPK-LN have implemented the Health protocol as expected by the Taiwan Authority.

The Ministry of Manpower is very serious in monitoring the Health protocol for P3MI and LPK-LN. Not only the facilities, but also PMI candidates who will go to placement countries. This is important because these CPMI indirectly carry the name of Indonesia.

"We will continue to monitor and take firm action if there are P3MI/LPK-LNs who do not comply with the applicable Health Protocols," Suhartono said in a written statement received by the editorial desk, Thursday, October 7th.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PPMI) of the Ministry of Manpower, Rendra Setiawan, said that the results of this Road Show will be reported to TETO and will be forwarded to the Ministry of Labor (MoL) Taiwan and the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Taiwan as consideration for the placement of PMI to Taiwan immediately reopened.

"Alhamdulillah, the response from TETO is quite good and hopefully this will be a positive input so that the placement of PMI in Taiwan can be reopened," said Rendra.

We need to convey that the Indonesian government currently has received a positive response from the Taiwanese authorities, as a basis for consideration of opening up to the country of placement," said Rendra.

Rendra explained earlier on December 4, 2020, the Taiwanese authorities through the Ministry of Labor (MoL) officially announced the ban on PMI from entering Taiwan in line with the high positive number of COVID-19 in Indonesia. On that basis, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Manpower took a policy to temporarily close the placement of PMIs to be placed in Japan and Taiwan through the Circular Letter of the Minister of Manpower Number M/1/PK.02.03/I/2021 regarding the Process of Placement of PMIs to Japan and Taiwan.

Along with the issuance of these regulations, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah continues to make various intensive efforts related to PMI protection, including strengthening policies through regulations; strengthening governance through institutional strengthening, also including strengthening the PMI Protection Task Force; strengthening of foreign cooperation; strengthening of the Labor Attaché; strengthening the synergy of government duties and responsibilities at all levels; development of service centers for CPMI/PMI and their family members; and strengthening inter-institutional cooperation.

For information, there are more than 6,000 PMIs whose departures to Taiwan have been delayed due to Covid-19. The Ministry of Manpower has done things that have caught the attention of the Taiwanese authorities, both from the revision of the P3MI and LPK-LN SOPs, PCR tests for PMI candidates, strict quarantine and P3MI/LPK-LN physical checks.

On the same occasion, the Secretary of Consular Division as well as a representative of TETO, Yenying Su, expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Manpower for the collaboration with TETO to be able to visit several P3MI and LPK LNs in Bekasi and Cirebon, West Java. Regarding the implementation of standard health protocols, according to him, it is sufficient to meet the applicable SOPs, it just needs a little additional improvement, but he believes that the Ministry of Manpower will continue to evaluate so that it can be perfected.

Meanwhile, an expert from the Presidential Staff Office, Aji Erlangga, wants both the Ministry of Manpower and P3MI to be able to adjust the standards desired by TETO. According to him, all the preparations that have been made so far can run smoothly, so that the placement process can be carried out immediately.

Regarding P3MI/LPK-LN visited for the province, West Java including; PT Karya Semesta Sejahtera and LPK-LN; PT Putra Jabung Persada and LPK-LN; LPK-LN Successfully Long Lasting Kencana; PT Laatansa Lintas Internasional and LPK-LN, then for the province of Central Java; PT Indotak Jaya Abadi and LPK-LN; PT Dewi Pengayom Bangsa and LPK-LN, while for the East Java region; LPK-LN Prima Duta Sejati; PT Bangun Gunung Sari and LPK-LN; PT Mulia Laksana Sejahtera and LPK-LN; and PT Perwita Nusaraya and LPK-LN.

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