JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) provides financing facilities for GP Ansor MSMEs to open a Pertashop business, which is to become an agent for distributing fuel oil (BBM) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar said that this strategy is expected to contribute to improving people's lives so that they can accelerate the Indonesian economy during the recovery period.

"Here, BNI plays a role as an institution for financing and financial transactions. Through the acquisition of Pertashop outlets by GP Ansor MSMEs, they will automatically be able to become our banking agents in the regions and have banking access to help the community," he said as reported by the official website on Thursday, August 12.

According to Royke, the Pertashop program is considered capable of lifting the community's economy, especially BNI's capital assistance for MSMEs assisted by Anshor.

“MSMEs are the leading business segment in creating job opportunities for Indonesia. For that we are ready to support various other productive businesses," he said.

On the same occasion, Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said that only about 43 percent of sub-districts throughout Indonesia have a fuel distribution agency, so there are still around 57 percent that do not yet have an official distribution agency.

“Pertamina as a BUMN has the responsibility to provide energy throughout the country. Not only availability but also accessibility so that Indonesian people can easily and affordably obtain fuel, LPG and gas at the same price throughout the country," he said.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of GP Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas revealed that the Pertashop program will bring great energy, especially in supporting government programs and on a wider scale.

"Hopefully all GP Ansor cadres will be a part of this justice and prosperity and must maximize the Pertashop program that has been provided through the direction of Pertamina and BNI," he said.

Finally, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said he was happy with the collaboration of state companies that could bring benefits to the wider community.

"Through Pertashop, BNI and Pertamina always encourage community empowerment and the village economy, especially for SMEs. God willing, through funding sources and trainings, efforts will continue to be made so that MSME friends can advance to class. I fully support this collaboration," he said.

To note, the Pertashop financing program targets distribution at 83,000 outlets in villages throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, GP Ansor has 7 million cadres, the majority of whom are still in the middle to lower economic level and only a few are entrepreneurial.

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