JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has adjusted the rules and travel requirements for prospective airplane passengers as stated in the two regulations.

First, SE (Circular) of the Ministry of Transportation No. 62 concerning Instructions for Implementing Domestic Travel by Air Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic and SE Ministry of Transportation No.63 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Implementing International Travel by Air Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, said that the issuance of the pair of regulations was a response to the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Levels 1-4. It is stated that this policy is effective starting on August 11, 2021 until a later date is determined and will be evaluated further.

"The SE of the Ministry of Transportation is effective from August 11, 2021. Meanwhile, for land, sea, and rail transportation, the SE is still valid because there is no change in the travel requirements," he said in a press statement, as quoted on Thursday, August 12. .

Adita added the provisions stipulated in the SE Task Force no. 17 2021 in accordance with InMendagri No. 30 of 2021 are as follows:

1. Mobility in the Java - Bali area at the Regency/City level with destinations and departures still within the Java-Bali area is regulated regardless of leveling or is uniform for all regions:

a) For arrivals from Outside Java-Bali/Departures from Java-Bali to Outside-Java-Bali, according to InMendagri No. 30/2021 requires a minimum dose of 1 vaccine card. Air travelers must perform a 2x24 hour RT-PCR test and other modes of 2x24 hour RT-PCR test or 1x24 hour Antigen.

b) For inter-city/district travel within Java-Bali, the requirements are: People who have received a complete dose of vaccine as evidenced by a vaccine card, for air travel only need an antigen test 1x24 hours. Meanwhile, recipients of the first dose of vaccine, for travel by air, are required to carry out 2x24 hour RT-PCR. For other modes of transportation, travelers are required to show a vaccine card or have been vaccinated with a minimum dose of one and a 2x24 hour RT-PCR test or 1x24 hour Antigen.

2. Meanwhile, the provisions for Regency/City level trips to Destinations and Departures in Non-Java-Bali areas are made based on the Minister of Home Affairs No. 31 and 32 of 2021, arranged by looking at the level of destination and departure areas:

a) Mobility to Regencies/Cities Destinations and Departures in Non-Java-Bali Regions: All levels (1,2,3, and 4) must show a minimum vaccine card for the first dose. For air travel, it is mandatory to carry out a 2x24 hour RT-PCR test for all levels. And other modes of transportation must show the results of the 2x24 hour RT-PCR test or the 1x24 hour Antigen test.3. Travelers under the age of 12 are temporarily restricted

Overseas Travel Travel to and from abroad is regulated in the Task Force Circular No. 18 of 2021 concerning Travel Provisions for Overseas Persons During the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. In general, the provisions stipulated in the latest Circular Letter are not much different from the previous ones. Some of the changes basically state that:

1. The requirements for testing in air transportation are the same at every level, previously for levels 3 and 4 only using RT PCR, now for all levels you can use 2 x 24 hours RT PCR or 1 x 24 hours Antigen.

2. Minimum vaccination certificate requirements use the first dose and apply to all levels. Previously this rule was only mandatory for levels 3 and 4.

3. Several changes to SE International include:

a. Special groups of international travelers who are exempt from vaccination requirements. These are foreigners holding diplomatic and service visas according to the TCA mechanism, foreigners entering Indonesia only for transit flights out of Indonesian territory, foreigners with children under 18 years old, foreigners holding KITAS and KITAP, and travelers with special health conditions who are not can be vaccinated.

b. Foreigners who have not been vaccinated and can be vaccinated in Indonesia are those aged 12-17 years and holders of KITAS and KITAP.

In addition, the determination of quarantine places and the implementation of comparative tests for the second RT-PCR, several requirements that must be followed by travelers, among others:

1. Determination of quarantine accommodation places requires a recommendation from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force after fulfilling the requirements from the PHRI and the Ministry/Health Office regarding the issue of COVID-19 health protection certification. Can perform a comparative PCR test on the results of the 2nd examination (which is carried out on the 7th day of quarantine) by filling out a form from the KKP/Ministry of Health at the expense of the traveler himself.

3. Comparative PCR tests are carried out at designated hospitals (RSCM, RSPAD, Polri Hospital for the Jakarta area). Meanwhile, in the regions, it can be done in government-owned health facilities such as hospitals, health centers or laboratories.

Meanwhile, based on SE Kemenhub No. 62 of 2021, a number of new clauses are regulated, namely:

1. Require aircraft passengers to include their National Identity Number (NIK) at the time of ticket reservation, whether reservations are made through the sales channel of the Air Transportation Business Entity or through other sales channels that have collaborated with the Air Transportation Business Entity;

2. Require aircraft passengers to use the COVID-19 Cares Protect One Data Information System.

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