JAKARTA - There is a trend on social media to show off bank account balances. This trend features boys and girls showing off their balances in their accounts. This trend started with the @yolo_inee account which made the sound 'Ganteng Review Saldonya Dong'. Now this sound has been used as many as 34.9 thousand videos.

In this trend, TikTok users are competing to upload their photos and display the contents of their respective balances. Among them an account with the name @danikhsan also took part in this challenge. He showed the total balance reached Rp11,429,110,264,606.

Ikhsan's video caught the attention of netizens because of the large number of numbers displayed. In fact, netizens admit that they don't know how to call it. There are also those who say the balance is similar to electricity tokens because of the length.

"Njirr is already rich in electricity tokens," said an account with the name @yakancobadulu, closed Tuesday, August 10.

Not only that, the official TikTok account of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance also commented on Ikhsan's video.

"Handsome," wrote the official account @ditjenpajakri.

DGT's comments on the video challenge 'Handsome? Ikhsan's review of Dong's balance has been praised. Even this comment was liked 172.8 thousand and got 4,999 comments replies.

The comments were filled with netizens who were mostly young people. They praised the slang of the DGT's official account and the DGT's quick reaction regarding the potential for taxation.

Then, an account with the name @AzrulFahmi also took part in this challenge by showing off the contents of the account balance reaching Rp1,215,879,916.

Similar to Ikhsan, Azrul's video also received a response from the Ministry of Finance's TikTok account.

"Thanks for the review, handsome," wrote @ditjenpajakri.

DGT's comments again received responses from netizens with 46.4k likes and 1,520 comments replies. One of the netizens by the name of @niko who reminded him to pay taxes because the DGT had already billed him.

"Bang, don't forget to pay the tax, it's already been billed," wrote Niko.

Then, from several uploads on TikTok, the @Its.fitraah account also showed off the contents of the account balance of Rp. 1,135,877,983.

Like the previous video, the Ministry of Finance's DJP account also commented on Fitrah's video.

"The balance is really handsome, man," wrote @ditjenpajakri.

Again, DGT's comments were responded to with 366 comments and 7,870 likes. Warganet reminded the DGT admin to continue to monitor this challenge. Some even commented why the DGT account comments were everywhere.

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