JAKARTA - A month after being elected as general chairman at the VIII National Conference of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Arsjad Rasjid finally announced the formation of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the 2021-2026 period. He admits that it is very difficult to draw up a perfect management formation.

"Drafting the right and perfect formation is certainly very difficult. However, I promise this is the best formation. As I have said before, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a clear goal, the prosperity of the people and the progress of Indonesia," he said at a press conference announcing the Kadin management, Monday, August 9th.

In the new Kadin management line for the 2021-2026 period, there is the Bakrie family name. The first is the name of Anindya Bakrie, the son of Aburizal Bakrie who serves as Chairman of the Advisory Council of Kadin.

As is known, in the previous National Conference, Anindya Bakrie was a competitor of Arsjad Rasjid to become the general chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Anindya also received considerable support from the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry after conducting a political safari.

"If I may start from the deliberative council, where Pak Anindya Bakrie, my friend, is the chairman of the deliberative council, which has been ratified at the National Conference," he said.

Then, Aburizal Bakrie also got a position in the Kadin management structure for the 2021-2026 period. Ical as he is familiarly known, serves as a member of the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, chaired by Rosan P. Roeslani.

"Pak Rosan is the chairman of the honorary board. Its members are Mr. Aburizal Bakrie, Mr. MS Hidayat, Mr. Adi Putra Tahir, and also members of Mr. Suryo Bambang Sulistyo," he said.

On the same occasion, Anindya Bakrie as Chairman of the Advisory Council of Kadin welcomed the composition of Kadin's management. Anindya assessed that this arrangement was really filled with the best figures.

According to Anindya, the board members of Kadin 2021-2026 are people who, according to him, have the experience and ability to help the government face a crisis, especially in the midst of the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We both feel that this is the best because at this time the Kadin organization needs full government support," said Anindya.

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