JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir will reshuffle the board of directors and commissioners of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk at the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) to be held on August 14. One of the agenda is to reshuffle the directors and commissioners of the state-owned airline company.
Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Peter Frans Gontha signaled that he would be dismissed from his position at the airline company. The signal was also expressed in his upload on Instagram social media @petergontha, Saturday, August 7th.
In his Instagram account, Peter Gontha shared his photo with other members of the Garuda Board of Commissioners, namely Elisa Lumbantoruan, Triawan Munaf, Zannuba Arifan alias Yenny Wahid, and Chairal Tanjung.
Peter said the figure standing in the portrait will soon retire from the company at the Garuda GMS on August 14. The figure in the middle is him.
"I received this photo from Mr. Triawan Munaf. 5 (five) members of the Garuda Indonesia Board of Commissioners. What is certain is that on August 14th, the middle one will be terminated / replaced / dismissed," wrote Peter, quoted on Monday, August 9.
Furthermore, Peter also expressed his gratitude for the trust given by the company and the public to him during his career as a commissioner of Garuda Indonesia.
Cut the number of commissionersPreviously, Garuda Indonesia had planned to reduce the number of commissioners as a form of efficiency. This step is an effort to save state-owned airlines from debt bondage of IDR 70 trillion.
SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that the reduction would be made up to three commissioners. In fact, the shareholders proposed that there be only two commissioners.
Erick said that the steps to reduce commissioners will be carried out as soon as possible. In fact, the target will be carried out within the next two weeks, either through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) scheme or other schemes.
"What is proposed (reducing commissioners) is very good, we must praise it, even I want to propose later if possible only two Garuda commissioners," he said at a press conference at the Ministry of SOEs Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 2.
Erick said that reduction measures among the company's top brass also needed to be carried out in line with the early retirement program for Garuda employees. According to him, this step is taken so that there is efficiency in the burden of official salaries and at the same time justice for all workers.
"Not earlier, for example, there was an early retirement but the commissioners were not reduced, we will reduce them later. So I think later the number will be reduced by, for example, two or three people. We will do it as soon as possible," he said.
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