JAKARTA - PT Indika Energy is committed to supporting the carbon emission neutral program in Indonesia by launching a business portfolio engaged in the green energy sector. This step is part of the strategy to achieve the target of 50 percent of non-coal revenues by 2025.

Indika Energy's President Director M. Arsjad Rasjid explained that this effort to expand the business is a form of commitment by the company owned by conglomerate Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono to improve the concept of Environmental, Social and Good Governance (ESG).

"We are targeting the company's non-coal revenue of 50 percent in 2025 and 0 percent of carbon emissions in 2050", he said at a media gathering, Wednesday, August 4.

Furthermore, said Arsjad, his party has also determined several appropriate business sectors to achieve sustainable growth. These sectors are logistics, infrastructure, minerals, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and others.

On the same occasion, Indika Energy's Vice President Director and CEO Aziz Armand said that his party would maximize the potential of solar energy related to providing electricity for the company's operations.

"For example, in Kideco Jaya Agung, they began to make an energy transition by converting energy consumption needs that were previously based on fossil fuels into solar power", said Aziz.

Since early 2021, Kideco has operated a solar power plant (PLTS) with a capacity of 409-kilowatt peaks installed in employee housing. The environmentally friendly power plant uses 999 units of solar panels installed on the base and roof of the house using three inverters.

Furthermore, Aziz said, the company in the near future has also prepared the use of solar electricity with a capacity of up to 1.5 megawatts peak for office areas and activities in the vicinity.

For your information, Indika Energy has formed a joint venture with Fourth Partner Energy from India named Empat Mitra Indika Solar Power (EMITS). The joint venture focuses on managing the PV mini-grid business for the industrial and commercial segments. The investment value commitment issued for the PLTS project reaches 500 million US dollars over the next five years. The project will produce solar electricity with a capacity of 500-megawatt peak.

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