JAKARTA - After causing a stir in the country's public through his statements that tended to discredit Islamic banking some time ago, toll road entrepreneur Jusuf Hamka finally found a solution to the problems he faced.
Most recently, Jusuf was reported to have reconciled with the Islamic bank, which he considered to have taken actions that were not in accordance with the provisions regarding the issue of debts.
"This agreement is a win-win solution whose settlement is based on Islamic principles," he said in a press statement, Monday, August 2.
Jusuf hopes that the loan funds he manages can benefit the community because they are used for the development of public facilities.
"God willing, this agreement can bring goodness to the sharia economy in general," he said.
On the same occasion, Bank Muamalat President Director Ahmad K. Permana said that with the signing of this agreement, the misunderstanding between the two parties would no longer exist.
"I thank all parties who have played a role in helping so that this important agreement can be reached," he said.
According to Ahmad, the events that have occurred are a valuable experience for all and become a positive momentum for the Islamic banking industry to be increasingly known and in demand by the public.
"This is a reflection of mutual victory and there is no longer a narrative of being tyrannized and tyrannical," he said.
To note, this problem began when Jusuf Hamka, through his company PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar (CMLJ), wanted to work on the Soreang-Pasir Koja (Soroja) toll road in 2016.
He then asked for financing assistance from a syndicated sharia bank consisting of seven entities, namely Bank Muamalat Indonesia, BPD Central Java, BPD Jambi, BPD South Kalimantan, BPD North Sumatra, BPD DIY, and BPD Sulselbar. Meanwhile, the credit limit disbursed to CMLI is IDR 834 billion and uses a murabahah or sale-purchase contract.
The syndicated bank was represented by the Chief Corporate Banking of Bank Muamalat Irvan Yulian Noor and CMLJ was represented by the President Director Muhdhor Nurohman, witnessed by Jusuf Hamka and Achmad K. Permana.
The event, which was held at the office of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council, was witnessed directly by the Head of the Daily Executive Board, Hasanudin, the Chair of the MUI for Economics, Lukmanul Hakim, the Secretary General of the Sharia Economic Community Iggi Achsien, and sharia finance leader Adiwarman Karim.
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