JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk appreciates the decision of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) to approve the government's proposal regarding state capital participation (PMN), including an allocation for the company of IDR 2 trillion in 2022.

Deputy President Director of Bank BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu said with the approval of the PMN, his party was optimistic that the distribution of housing finance for low-income people (MBR) would be even more massive next year.

"We are grateful and very appreciative of the PMN approval. For Bank BTN this is good news to continue to contribute to the one million house development program, especially in the distribution of MBR housing financing", said Nixon, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 19.

Nixon said that as a public company, PMN funds will be included in the company's rights issue program, which is targeted at IDR 5 trillion.

He is optimistic that with the government's serious attention to financing people's houses through Bank BTN, the company's rights issue will get a positive response from investors.

According to Nixon, the additional capital will make BTN optimistic next year that it can achieve its credit growth target of up to 12 percent.

Credit growth in 2022, he continued, will still be supported by the distribution of subsidized mortgages for low-income communities through various schemes, including housing financing liquidity facilities (FLPP).

"We will pursue a more optimal growth target going forward in line with the completion of the post-COVID-19 non-performing loan or NPL challenges in 2022", said Nixon.

BTN as an SOE has the obligation to carry out government programs, one of which is the construction of a million houses initiated by President Joko Widodo. Additional capital is needed by the issuer with the BBTN code to support the program.

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