JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR targets that by 2024 the length of toll roads in Indonesia will increase from 2,386 kilometers (km) to 5,103 km.
"To continue to improve the smooth logistics of currently operating 2,386 km of toll roads and by 2024, it is targeted that the length of toll roads in Indonesia will increase to 5,103 km," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in his remarks delivered by Widyaiswara, the Main Expert of the PUPR Ministry, Danis Sumadilaga in Investor Daily Summit 2021 online event in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 13.
The Minister of PUPR also added that in 2021, 19 toll roads will be completed along 406 km. Currently, 7 sections have been operated with a length of 52 km, including the 14.2 km Cengkareng - Batu Ceper - Kunciran Toll Road.
"For toll roads, the construction does not stand alone, but must be linked to the development of productive areas, such as industrial areas, tourism, airports, ports to improve logistics smoothness," he said.
For example, the Trans Sumatra Toll Road that connects industrial areas with ports, including the Lampung Industrial Park area with Panjang, Lampung and Bakauheni ports.
The Trans Java Toll Road was built to support the connectivity of Industrial Estates (KI) in Java including KI Jababeka, Karawang, KI Subang in West Java and KI Batang in Central Java with ports such as Merak and Tanjung Priok ports. In addition, the Makassar New Port Toll Road connects the city of Makassar with the port.
In the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the infrastructure development agenda aims to develop basic service infrastructure focused on transportation safety and security, develop multimodal connectivity to improve services for a more efficient national logistics system to support economic growth and increase competitiveness. , as well as urban infrastructure development.
The road and bridge infrastructure development targets include 2,500 km of new and/or operational toll roads, 3,000 km of new national roads, 38,726 m of bridges built and 31,053 m of flyovers and underpasses.
Of these targets, in 2020, 246 km of toll road construction, 463 km of new road construction, 16,923 m of bridge construction and 987 m of flyover/underpass construction have been realized.
"As a priority during the 2020-2024 period, several major infrastructure projects have been set, including the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS), the Trans Papua Road and the Trans/Outermost/Disadvantaged Island Ring Road (Morotai, Nias, Saumlaki, Sumba, etc.) strengthening connectivity," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.
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