JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had ordered his staff not to starve people in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, said Minister Luhut, the government, assisted by TNI and Police officers, will distribute rice aid to the community, which is planned for Wednesday, July 12 this week.

"The government will provide rice aid. The President's order, the TNI, the National Police, will distribute it because the President's order is not to let people starve or not eat", said Minister Luhut in a virtual press conference on the Presidential Secretariat Youtube, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 12.

Luhut Pandjaitan who is also the Deputy Chair of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (PEN) said that the TNI-Police officers would distribute rice in all locations of the community that was eligible to receive rice assistance.

"So all points where there is a possible shortage of food, rice, will be distributed by the TNI, and it will take effect maybe this Wednesday. There are 5 kilograms (rice packages) and 10 kilograms", said Minister Luhut.

Meanwhile, he said, the government will also launch the distribution of 300,000 packages of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs to asymptomatic (OTG) and mild symptoms patients on Wednesday, July 14 this week.

"The president has decided earlier, starting on Wednesday, this week we will launch 300,000 drug packages for OTG and for classes of diseases that are still not serious", said Minister Luhut.

He said the drug package would reach 210,000 active cases of COVID-19 patients. TNI personnel will also be involved in distributing the COVID-19 drug packages.

"This will be given later by the TNI together with other elements, the procedure has been prepared so that it can work too", said Minister Luhut.

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