JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) highlighted the emergence of paid vaccination services under the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine scheme that targets individuals. The Chairperson of the YLKI Daily Committee, Tulus Abadi, requested that the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine scheme be returned to its original state where the company bears the cost of vaccination of workers.

"Paid vaccines are unethical in the midst of a raging pandemic. Therefore, paid vaccines must be rejected," said Tulus Abadi, in his statement, quoted Monday, July 12.

Tulus said the policy of providing paid vaccine services could trigger public reluctance to get vaccinated. On the other hand, this policy is feared to cause confusion among the public.

"This policy may only make people lazy to vaccinate. There are still many who don't want it, let alone paid vaccines. And it also confuses people, why are there paid vaccines, and there are free vaccines," he added.

The presence of paid vaccines is also feared to create a stigma that there is a difference in quality between free and paid vaccines. Therefore, he expects the government to restore the free vaccine policy, both for vaccines covered by the government and in the Gotong Royong scheme.

"YLKI urges that the paid Gotong Royong Vaccines for the individual category be canceled. Return to the original policy, which pays for the company, not the individual," he said.

As is known, the Ministry of Health has issued changes to the implementation of the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine. In Minister of Health Regulation No.19/2021, individuals or individuals can access COVID-19 vaccinations.

Currently, the vaccination program for these individuals can only be carried out at Kimia Farma's health care facilities in eight points in Java and Bali. Meanwhile, the purchase price of vaccines in the Gotong Royong scheme is Rp. 321,660 per dose. Meanwhile, the maximum rate for vaccination services is Rp. 117,910 per dose.

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