JAKARTA - Bakrie Group is one of the most respected conglomerates in the country. How could it not be, this joint venture which was initiated by Achmad Bakrie since the pre-independence era has become one of the most diversified businesses into various sectors.

It is noted that the Bakrie Group has entered into various business lines ranging from property, investment, to entertainment and recreation centers as well as national media networks.

Now, the baton of the company's leadership has reached its third generation. Previously, Achmad Bakrie trusted his son, namely Aburizal Bakrie, now the management of the corporation is carried out by Anindya Bakrie and Ardi Bakrie who are none other than the grandsons of Achmad Bakrie.

The last two names are indeed the most prominent figures in the Bakrie Group's current business. Moreover, the brothers are listed as high-ranking officials at PT Visi Media Asia Tbk. or better known as VIVA.

For information, VIVA is one of the largest media and news networks in the country. Citing the company's 2020 financial report, Anindya Bakrie is the president director of the company. While his younger brother, Ardi Bakrie, became the number two person by occupying the position of vice president director.

Now, the Bakrie family is facing legal problems. The reason is, Ardi Bakrie was caught dealing with the police because he was suspected of committing a crime of narcotics abuse.

Furthermore, VIVA is said to be in the media industry with the broadcasting industry sub-sector. In other high ranking companies, the names of former Kadin Chairman Rosan Perkasa Roeslani and Ilham Akbar Habibie are listed in the company profile with the respective positions of president commissioner and member of commissioner.

Then for the composition of shares, the business entity with the ticker VIVA is owned by Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Singapore Branch S/A PT Bakrie Global Ventura with a portion of 12.04 percent.

Followed by DB Spore DCS A/C MDS PACTR Ltd OBO PT Bakrie GV (FA)-864134125 with 10.88 percent holding. While the rest is owned by other parties and also the community.

VIVA, which oversees two national television stations, namely ANTV and TVOne, reported that throughout 2020 it experienced a net loss of IDR 809.1 billion. The book is deeper than the 2019 period which amounted to Rp540.9 billion.

One of the reasons for the decline in VIVA's performance was the decline in operating income from the previous Rp2.1 trillion in 2019 to Rp1.8 trillion in 2020.

"The decline in Indonesia's economic growth rate due to the pandemic has also resulted in a decrease in advertising spending in 2020 compared to 2019," said VIVA President Commissioner Rosan Perkasa Roeslani in his statement in the company's annual report.

Similarly, VIVA President Director Anindya Bakrie said that the company did not predict the occurrence of a pandemic as a variable in setting revenue targets in the budget and work plan for 2020 which was prepared in 2019.

"In reality, the pandemic is actually the main factor that negatively affects revenue, so the company's 2020 target will not be met by itself," he said.

It can be said that the current situation faced by the Bakrie Group is not an easy matter. Will this conglomerate get out of the pressure soon or will it experience the curse of the third generation of family companies? Only time that can answer.

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