JAKARTA - The number of COVID-19 cases in the country has continued to increase in recent times. Because of this, the government was forced to take action to impose an Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM). In the midst of this situation, entrepreneurs are required to develop innovation and creativity in order to survive.

President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) or BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja admitted that he is now more prepared to face the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic than at the beginning of its emergence in early 2020. Like the others, he also admitted that he was pessimistic at that time.

"Last year, when COVID-19 appeared, I was a very pessimist. But how come now I can be more optimistic, why? It's like soldiers who want to be sent to battle at that time are not prepared with weapons, it's scary, think how to fight it," he said in virtual discussion, Tuesday, July 6th.

However, said Jahja, over time, soldiers also found ways to make their own combat equipment from what was around them to be used to survive the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reflecting on that lesson, according to Jahja, the current restrictions should not have much impact on economic activities, including the performance of the main company. Because this kind of situation has happened before.

"At the beginning of COVID-19 we were confused about how to bring customers together with their business. It was very difficult at the time. Finally we found a way. But at this time of 1.5 years of COVID-19 we should start thinking about how to grow our business and leave. Because this is a problem is how a business can be developed without mobility, that's the point," he said.

Innovation and creativity needed

Jahja said instead of just waiting for the government's help, entrepreneurs must actively innovate and develop their creativity, their business continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, Jahja said, such as restaurant businesses that provide take away services, and several other business lines that have started using courier delivery services to stay afloat in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, this is an innovation and creativity that should be done by entrepreneurs during the Emergency PPKM period, rather than just waiting for customers to come during the Emergency PPKM period.

"So this situation provides a lesson. So we should not just depend on the stimulus. Like a crybaby child. If given the stimulus continuously he will not grow up. Instead he must learn to be given the courage to face the reality in life," he said.

Jahja admitted it was not an easy matter. However, that doesn't mean it can't be done, especially in a situation like this. For this reason, he continues to give encouragement, especially to customers and other communities, to be able to survive and eventually get out of this problem.

"We have to give encouragement for customers and the community to survive. It can't be avoided. But how will everything come out of their respective problems. So don't ask for more stimulus. There have been many stimulus from the government," he said.

Digitization is a must during this COVID-19 pandemic pandemi

According to Jahja, in the pandemic era where mobility is very limited, digitalization is a must. However, he said, this digitalization must also be implemented into the business. Currently, said Jahja, payments use digital, even shopping uses a digital platform.

"Everything is digital, we must have a willingness to try, after trying, do you just end there? No. It's a tool so that we can explore what is available, then we try to apply it to what business, business, what can you convert to digital, That's the benefit of us knowing digital," he explained.

"One, we use digital itself well. Second, it can be an enlightenment for our creativity to develop, to apply it in our respective businesses, even in our daily lives. So digital plus what I say, is not only able to operate but also implement in their respective businesses," he continued.

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