JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir stepped in to ensure the contribution of SOEs in meeting the needs of oxygen and medicine. In addition to ensuring adequate distribution and price of drugs through the state-owned pharmaceutical sector, other state-owned companies also ensure the availability of oxygen cylinders for a number of hospitals.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir said strategic state-owned companies such as Pertamina Group, including PGN, Krakatau Steel and Pupuk Indonesia Group, which included Petrokimia and PUSRI, then Pelindo, were actively involved in logistics infrastructure to ensure oxygen availability.

Pertamina Group in addition to allocating its infrastructure to facilitate the allocation and distribution of oxygen to locations in need through PGN, also provides assistance and oxygen. Then Pupuk Indonesia Group has sent a total of 96.73 tons of oxygen to hospitals in Jakarta, Central Java and Yogyakarta.

In addition, Krakatau Steel, which has a fairly large allocation of oxygen which has been used as part of the steel production process, is now being diverted to help provide oxygen in hospitals.

"BUMN is moving fast in all lines. This is mainly to help with the availability of oxygen. Several state-owned companies have distributed oxygen to a number of areas that need it," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir in a written statement, Tuesday, July 6.

According to Erick, with the facilities owned ranging from role materials to distribution networks, he emphasized that the focus of SOEs is to help deal with the pandemic. He is optimistic that the quick steps taken by state-owned companies will respond quickly to needs in the field.

"Currently the focus is on ensuring the availability of adequate oxygen for all hospitals and treatment centers. Massive distribution continues and God willing, this will ensure the resilience of oxygen supplies in hospitals," said Erick.

Erick also appreciated the quick steps taken by all parties in SOEs who were actively collaborating in assisting the handling of COVID-19. He also requested that these services continue to be improved for the sake of the mission to help Indonesia to rise from the pandemic.

"Starting from the crew in the field, factories, as well as those involved in distributing it to the board of directors, I give high appreciation. The task is not over and continues, we from BUMN will improve services to the needs of the community related to handling the pandemic and daily needs," said Eric.

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