JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk conducts traffic control at several locations on the Jasa Marga Group toll road. This step was taken in the context of limiting and controlling community mobility during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head of PT Jasa Marga (Persero), Dwimawan Heru said that his party had coordinated with the Police and the National Armed Force (TNI) to support the implementation of the restrictions.

"PT Jasa Marga apologizes for the inconvenience caused by the implementation of the partition", he told reporters, Saturday, July 3.

Furthermore, Heru said that to ensure smooth traffic, his party prepared signs and traffic control officers during the blocking.

"Jasa Marga appeals to road users to support this Emergency PPKM by staying at home, avoiding public spaces and crowds, implementing a clean lifestyle, and continuing to tighten health protocols if you have to leave the house for urgent needs, to suppress the spread of COVID-19", he said.

Based on the current situation until this information was revealed, the blocking locations on the Jasa Marga Group toll road up to 12.00 p.m. are as follows:

1. Inner City Toll Road

- Cawang Direction:

1.1. Slipi Ramp Exit/Off Access (Vehicle Inspection)

1.2. Access to Exit/Off Ramp Senayan (Total Blocking)

1.3. Clover Ramp Exit/Off Access (Total Blockage)

1.4. Access Out/Off Ramp Tebet (Total Blocking)

1.5. Cawang Ramp Exit/Off Access (Vehicle Inspection)

- Tomang direction:

1.6. Slipi Ramp Exit/Off Access (Vehicle Inspection)

1.7. Clover Ramp Exit/Off Access (Total Blockage)

1.8. Brass Ramp Exit/Off Access (Total Insulation)

1.9. Tebet Ramp Exit/Off Access (Vehicle Inspection)

2. Padaleunyi Toll Road (Vehicle Inspection)

2.1. Pasteur Toll Gate (GT) (Pasteur Exit Access)

2.2. GT Pasir Koja (Sand Koja Exit Access)

2.3. GT Kopo (Kopo Exit Access)

2.4. GT Moh Toha (Moh Toha Exit Access)

2.5. GT Stone Fruit (Stone Fruit Exit)

3. Jagorawi Toll Road (Vehicle Inspection)

3.1. Exit Ciawi Access (Traffic Light Gadog) situationally

4. Semarang-Solo Toll Road (Vehicle Inspection)

4.1. Access Exit Tirto Agung

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