JAKARTA - The tourism sector is closely related to transportation. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, safe transportation is a must. Therefore, the Indonesian Intelligent Transport System (ITS) community encourages the implementation of smart mobility in tourist destination areas, especially in 10 New Bali destinations and 5 priority destinations.

ITS Indonesia President William Sabandar said transportation is the backbone of the tourism sector. In fact, transportation matters are closely related to tourism affairs. Thus, in some countries transportation and tourism affairs are handled by one particular sector.

"Transportation is the main element in supporting the success of tourism. Without transportation, tourism will be very difficult to develop," he said in a webinar, Wednesday, June 30.

Furthermore, William said at least it can be seen in various places where accessibility difficulties in transportation will hinder tourism in the area. Meanwhile, easy transportation will make tourism in an area develop.

"In Bali, which is already very developed, it is supported by very qualified transportation. But in other areas, which are also rich in tourism, we are talking about Indonesia with 17,000 islands from Aceh to Papua. The transportation readiness factors are a very decisive element. ," he said.

In addition, William said the government targets the contribution of the tourism sector in the next few years to reach 12 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). While at this time it is still around 4 or 5 percent.

"It's still small. But with the various efforts made by the current government, I believe this will be able to develop and one of its components is to ensure that transportation makes a significant contribution to the development of the tourism industry in Indonesia," he said.

During the pandemic, smart mobility is a must

William said questions arise in the community, in an era like this where all countries are facing the COVID-19 pandemic, what kind of transportation is needed. According to him, the transportation needed is intelligent transportation.

"So it's not just any kind of transportation, but intelligent transportation. This is an area that we currently want to encourage. What is intelligent transportation, is a transportation system that certainly encourages the presence of smart mobility," he said.

Furthermore, William said that smart mobility is usually synonymous with efficient, simple, safety, and full impact transportation. According to him, this is what ITS Indonesia wants to encourage to produce an economic development, especially an advanced tourism sector in the country.

"We really support the idea that is being developed by the government, the President, the Minister (Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno) to encourage for example 10 New Bali (Bali Baru) and there will be 5 super priority destinations and this is what we will encourage smart mobility, smart tourism," he said.

To support this, William said, in the ITS Indonesia 2020-2023 action plan, there are several things to focus on. First, how do tourist destinations have components such as digital transformation for transport the development.

"Then there is an integrated transport system. Then, there is smart driving and logistics, and the most important thing is to guarantee a transportation system that encourages safety and healthy mobility," he explained.

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