JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) recorded a total revenue of Rp1.92 trillion throughout 2020. This value increased 0.6 percent from 2019 of Rp1.91 trillion.

The total IDX expenses in 2020 was recorded at Rp1.28 trillion, a decrease of 3.2 percent from 2019. Furthermore, as a result, the IDX managed to record a net profit for the current year of Rp487.41 billion in 2020 or grew 9.5 percent from last year. 2019.

In 2020, the IDX also recorded a total asset value of Rp8.84 trillion, an increase of 22.7 percent from 2019, and total liabilities of Rp3.73 trillion, an increase of 35.4 percent from 2019. The total equity of the IDX in 2020 amounted to Rp5.11 trillion or an increase of 14.9 percent from 2019.

IDX Corporate Secretary Yulianto Aji Sadono said the performance of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020 succeeded in ensuring the smooth implementation of trading activities and was able to improve various achievements from the previous year.

This, said Aji, starts from increasing the number and participation of investors, increasing the quantity and quality of listed companies with the highest number of new company listings in ASEAN, increasing the highest trading frequency in ASEAN, as well as increasing the capacity of stock exchange members and expanding participants.

"The Indonesian Capital Market in 2020 was closed by recording positive performance starting from mid-2020 until the end of 2020 trading closing, the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) increased and continued to move closer to its initial position before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred," said Aji, Tuesday 29 June.

At the end of 2020, even though it closed down, the JCI could reach the level of 5,979 after having fallen more than 37 percent to the level of 3,937 in March 2020. In addition, the Average Daily Transaction Value (RNTH) in November 2020 had reached Rp13.2 trillion. and Rp18.4 trillion in December 2020 which helped close 2020 with RNTH reaching Rp9.2 trillion.

In 2020, the daily trading frequency touched a record high, which was 1,697,537 transactions to be exact on December 22, 2020.

Aji added, this provides optimism for the development of capital market performance in 2021. In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, IDX was able to list 51 new listed companies and is the highest among other exchanges in ASEAN.

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