JAKARTA - PT Indika Energy Tbk started the implementation of the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program to support the Government in achieving the national vaccination target and realizing a healthier Indonesia. The health and safety of employees is the main focus of the company as an effort to maintain operational continuity in support of Indonesia's energy sovereignty.

The Gotong Royong vaccination is carried out for employees of Indika Energy Group and its affiliated companies, gradually starting on June 9, 2021 with a total of 21,650 employees and their families who have been registered. The first phase was carried out on 3,000 employees of the company owned by conglomerate Agus Lasmono Suwikatmono in Greater Jakarta and various other operational areas.

At this stage, the vaccine used is Sinopharm, which has passed the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), and has received a fatwa from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Indika Energy's President Director, Arsjad Rasjid said that Indika Energy fully supports the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program initiated by the Government and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in order to achieve collective immunity (herd immunity), while protecting employees and their families against the spread of COVID-19 .

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, the safety and health of employees has always been the company's top priority. This vaccination is one of our collective efforts, as elements of society, to help the national economy recover," he said.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Indika Energy Group also worked together to build PCR inspection facilities and a temporary isolation center, as well as continue to carry out social activities to assist efforts to deal with COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"Not only focusing on meeting national energy needs, Indika Energy also has a mission to help build human resources and contribute to improving the country's economy," said Arsjad.

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