JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Shopping Center Retailers and Leasing (Hippindo) and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Provincial government opened a COVID-19 vaccination center at Smesco Indonesia for MSMEs and retail workers.

Chairman of Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah said this step was taken to support the government in accelerating the vaccination program, so that the economy can move again. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on retailers and shopping center tenants.

Furthermore, Budi said the presence of the pandemic brought many changes to life. Where people have to do mobility restrictions. Not only that, the public's fear of contracting COVID-19 has also reduced the number of visits to shopping centers.

"Today we prioritize public servants starting from delivery personnel, warehouses, suppliers, SPG (sales promotion girls), workers in salons, all of which must be secured first with vaccinations, then consumers will come to shop," he said at the opening of the vaccination center in Smesco. Indonesia, Monday, June 7th.

Budi said this vaccination center is the largest center in DKI Jakarta, even the second largest after the vaccination center in GBK. He also hopes that this vaccination center can be a model for other regions.

"We hope that the Minister's support can be carried out in all provinces with the support of Mr. Teten, our SMEs and retail suppliers. We hope that DKI as a pilot will receive input for us to take throughout Indonesia," he said.

On the same occasion, Coordinating Minister for SMEs Teten Masduki said vaccination is an important key for economic recovery. Therefore, Teten appreciates Hippindo's steps in collaborating with the Kemenkop UKM to present a vaccination center for business actors.

"This is an important step and we must continue to do it. I also want to invite Hippindo to open other vaccination centers in various regions so that there is an acceleration of the national vaccination program," said Teten.

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