JAKARTA - A total of 120 buses that have the concept of buy the service (BTS) assistance from the central government for the city of Surabaya, East Java, are ready to operate by the end of 2021.

"Insyaallah later this year can operate," said The Head of Transportation Office (Dishub) Surabaya City Irvan Wahyudrajad in Surabaya, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 26.

According to him, there are six proposed routes to the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Of the six routes for the 120 buses, each route will be passed by 20 buses each.

With the addition of these six routes, he continued, his party hopes all destinations in the city of Surabaya can be served more evenly. In addition, the service reaches all regions and the bus service between each stop will be shorter.

"If it's 30 minutes now, maybe it could be 10 to 15 minutes," Irvan said.

The bus, then synergized with Surabaya Bus and existing city transportation (angkot). So angkot will be a feeder for Surabaya buses in the future.

For the payment system, he said, there will be subsidies from the central government and some of the passengers who use the non-cash system.

Chairman of Commission C of the Surabaya Baktiono Parliament said the central government's aid bus is different from other buses, because the deck is low, making it easier for residents to get on and off.

"The bus has been designed as best as possible in order to attract people to board," he said.

For fuel, he continued, some use CNG, some use electricity with the aim of reducing air pollution.

"With that convenience, residents will move from private transportation system to public transportation," baktiono said.

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