JAKARTA - The government set the price of vaccines in the gotong royong vaccination program at Rp321,660 per dose and the maximum rate of vaccination services worth Rp117,910 per one vaccine injection.

While one person needs two doses, so the price to be paid is Rp879,140.

In response to this, Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga said this pricing has involved various parties. Starting from the government represented by the Ministry of Health, The Financial Supervision and Development Agency (BPKP), tender institutions and also involve businesses represented by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

Arya said the agencies are setting the price for a mutual or independent vaccination program for entrepreneurs interested in participating in helping to accelerate herd immunity or group immunity.

"If it is considered or assumed to be expensive, this price is actually the number two cheapest compared to other countries," he said in a virtual discussion, Friday, May 21.

For the price of vaccine injection, the Coordinator of Public Communication of the Committee for The Handling of COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KP-CPEN) said that the provisions of the KPK should not involve health workers and government health facilities.

"Only use private ones. Private friends such as hospitals, clinics and so on issued a figure of Rp117,910," he said.

Employers Don't Need to Push Themselves

If the price of gotong royong vaccination is considered too high and burdensome, arya said, employers do not need to impose themselves. Because, employees will also get a free vaccine through the government vaccination program.

"This is a gotong royong vaccination. It means who wants to come please, otherwise it does not matter. Like there's a disaster, if you want to donate yes please. There is no obligation for companies to participate in the gotong royong vaccination program. If they do not participate, they will still be served by a free vaccination program provided by the government," he said.

Tekait with a margin or profit of 15 percent to 20 percent, Arya claimed not to know the exact amount of margin. He stressed that the fomula of pricing of gotong royong vaccination has involved many parties. This includes businessmen who are members of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.

Arya said in essence gotong royong vaccination is a step for entrepreneurs to help the government accelerate the national vaccination process. Because, the government has a schedule and priority to vaccinate.

The first priority is health workers. Second, public servants and the elderly. The third is vulnerable people. For example, people in slums and poor communities. The fourth stage is the general public.

"So the friends of kadin want them to enter the fourth stage of the vaccination process first, in a way that conducts their vaccination. This way there will be an acceleration if they add up. Put their employees first in the order of their schedules in fourth place. This big idea is what makes them participate in vaccination programs," he said.

Vaccine Prices According to Entrepreneur's Ability

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce Rosan Perkasa Roeslani confirmed that the pricing of vaccines is based on the results of the survey first. Surveys are conducted to companies that are included in kadin members and non-Kadin companies.

According to Rosan, from the results of the survey found, 78 percent of companies are willing to price vaccines below Rp500,000 per employee. While the rest agreed in the figure of Rp1 million to Rp1.5 million.

"So this range is in accordance with the capabilities and surveys that we do. So 78 percent say they can," he said at a virtual press conference Wednesday, May 18.

In fact, said Rosan, many micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are enrolling to participate in the gotong royong vaccination program. Out of a total of 22,736 companies that signed up, 7,000 were MSMEs.

"Indeed, we see MSMEs that are under pressure because of COVID-19 is many, significant. But it turns out that on the one hand many MSMEs can still run well. They want to participate in this mutual vaccinated," he explained.

Rosan explained that the price of vaccines set is also the result of input from the management of a number of private companies and government parties. Therefore, the benchmark self-vaccination rate is considered appropriate.

"For all companies to give input, how much input to be determined later on the input of PT Bio Farma, also to the Ministry of Health so as not to let when the price is entered turned backwards. And this price is in accordance with the survey of the capabilities of the business world that signed up to us," he said.

"The price (of gotong royong vaccine) is in accordance with the price of the survey and the ability of the business world to register with us. So I can make sure this price is the price that meets the expectations of the business world," he said.

Just for information, out of 22,736 companies that signed up to the third stage, there were 7,000 from MSMEs. The number is expected to continue to grow to reach 20 million private employees targeted by the government to vaccinate COVID-19.

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