JAKARTA - In the framework of the holy month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H, Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading presents a shopping program "Mubarak Celebration", which runs from April 14 to May 23, 2021. In addition to presenting an interesting shopping program, there is also a visit to donate donations for children a child of the Muhammadyah Orphanage - Aisyiyah Rawamangun.

Willy Effendy, as the Center Director of Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading explained, every year in the holy month of Ramadan, Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading shares happiness with orphaned children.

"This year we provide compensation for the Muhammadyah - Aisyiyah Rawamangun Orphanage in the form of school needs and other needs. We also present various shopping programs and attractive promos from tenants in the Mubarak Celebration series at Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading," Willy said in his written statement, Tuesday 18 May.

Various "Mubarak Celebration" activities include;

Ramadan Shopaholic

Valid every Monday - Friday, from 14 - 30 April 2021. This program can be followed by MKG Friendship Card members with a minimum spend of IDR 1,500,000 on the 1st & 2nd floor tenants, 50 lucky customers per day are entitled to a reward in the form of shopping vouchers MKG and Gopay balances through the Summarecion Mall application system. Terms and Conditions apply.

Ramadhan Culinary Feast

It takes place every day from April 14 to May 23, 2021. Especially for MKG Friendship Card members who shop at F & B tenants, a combination of receipts with a minimum total expenditure of IDR 200,000 applies, and is entitled to 2 Grand Prize points and does not apply for multiples. Each customer only gets one chance to join this program.

Ramadan In Style

Taking place on April 14 - May 23, 2021, with a total expenditure of IDR 1,500,000 at MKG. Customers can buy an Exclusive Tote Bag MKG X Danjyo Hiyoji at a price of IDR 175,000, or customers can exchange 35 stamps through the Summarecon Mall application. Each customer only gets one chance per day to join this program.

Mubarak Celebration Deal

Taking place on April 14 - May 23, 2021, specifically for MKG Friendship Card members, by exchanging 3 stamps for masks and tumblers (while supplies last. The exchange of 3 stamps can be done at the MKG 1 Customer Care Counter, ground floor and MKG 5, floor basis.Each customer only gets one chance per day in this program.

Ramadan One Week Sale

To fulfill the needs of Hari Raya, the Ramadan One Week Sale will take place on May 3 - 9, 2021, starting at 10:00 - 21:00 WIB. Enjoy the satisfaction of shopping with discount offers of up to 70 percent, and various promos and other attractive offers at a number of participating tenants.

For MKG Friendship Cards with a minimum spend of IDR 1,000,000 at MKG, you are entitled to a MKG shopping voucher worth IDR 50,000. Terms and conditions apply and are limited to 30 customers per day.

Ramadan Kareem

Taking place on May 5 - 23, 2021, specifically for the MKG Friendship Card, with a purchase of IDR 1,000,000 at MKG. Customers get the opportunity to play and win various attractive prizes. This program can be done at MKG 1 customer care counter, ground floor and each customer only gets one chance to participate in this program and is limited as long as the prizes are still available.

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