JAKARTA - The government, through the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, said that the realization of the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program until May 11, 2021 had reached IDR 172.35 trillion.

This was conveyed directly by the Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto in a press statement after attending a Limited Meeting chaired by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jakarta earlier this week.

"The realization of this economic recovery fund has been realized until May 11, amounting to Rp172.35 trillion or 24 percent of the budget ceiling set by the government," he said, Monday, May 18.

In detail, Airlangga revealed that out of that amount, Rp.24.9 trillion was included in the health program.

Then, priority programs reached IDR 21.8 trillion or IDR 17.6 percent of the ceiling. Meanwhile, the realization of the UMKM and corporate support programs reached Rp. 42.03 trillion or 21.7 percent of the ceiling and the business incentive program was Rp. 26.83 trillion or 47.2 percent of the ceiling.

"Furthermore, the realization of the social protection program amounted to Rp. 56.79 trillion, with details of the realization of the Family Hope Program (PKH) reaching 48.19 percent, food cards reaching 38.20 percent, cash social assistance amounting to 98.39 percent, and village BLT for 17. 41 percent, "he said.

Previously, Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the absorption of PEN funds until April 16, 2021 was recorded at IDR 134 trillion. This means that when compared with the realization in May 2021, the use of PEN funds within one month will increase to around Rp. 40 trillion.

In the explanation of the Minister of Finance, the realization of the April 2021 period was absorbed into the health sector amounting to IDR 18.5 trillion, social protection IDR 47.9 trillion, priority programs IDR 14.5 trillion, support for MSMEs and corporations IDR 37.7 trillion, and business incentives IDR 54.9 trillion.

"This amount is equivalent to 19.2 percent of the budget ceiling that the government has provided for this year," he said in a virtual press conference for our APBN, Thursday, April 22.

For information, in the 2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), the government provides PEN funds of IDR 669.43 trillion. This amount is up from the realization in 2020 which amounted to IDR 579.78 trillion.

In detail, the 2021 PEN funds are distributed to several sectors, namely the health sector Rp. 176.3 trillion, support for MSMEs and cooperatives Rp. 184.8 trillion, priority programs Rp. 122.4 trillion, incentives for the business world Rp. 58.4 trillion, and social protection Rp. 157.4. trillion.

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