JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), the ILO Governing Body (Central Board) of the UNITED NATIONS Agency ILO Said Iqbal strongly condemned PT Indomarco Prismatama who made a worker as a suspect and is now undergoing trial in court.

Iqbal said this problem stems from rumors of a cut in holiday allowance (THR) made by the management of retailers owned by the conglomerate Anthony Salim ahead of Eid al-Fitr in 2020. At that time, Anwar Bessy who in fact was a driver of the delivery of goods to Indomaret Store along with hundreds of other workers gathered and protested to Indomaret management about THR cuts.

The protest took place for 2 days, on May 8 and 11, 2020, located at the distribution center Ancol, Ancol Barat 7 Street No.2 Ancol Village, Pademangan District, North Jakarta. Iqbal claimed to have received information that there was damaged gypsum on the day the action was carried out.

However, the damage was not planned by Anwar Bessy and tended to happen without accident. Iqbal lamented the attitude taken by PT Indomarco Prismatama who seemed to insist on imprisoning his workers when workers demanded THR payments by previous years.

"It was just minor damage. Unfortunately, this is used as a justification to imprison a worker who seeks justice for THR payments", he said, in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 11.

According to Iqbal, the reason employers who say losses due to the pandemic should be suspected of making up and only as a pretext for employers to avoid paying THR in full.

"Indomarco as part of Indomaret Group does not make sense to suffer losses in the middle of a pandemic. Thousands of Indomaret outlets remain open in the middle of the pandemic and they still reap profits in the middle of the pandemic," he said.

Iqbal considers this incident an irony. In fact, workers demand THR payments which is a right but faced with imprisoning their workers. Clearly, this violates ILO Convention No 87 on freedom of association and No 98 on the right to negotiate.

"Where is the state to protect workers' rights? Labour is just fighting THR, why should it be faced with prison? Is the police force used as a tool to scare and pressure workers who are fighting for their rights?", he said.

In the video that circulated, police officers and soldiers in the middle of the labor activists are demanding THR payments at PT Indomarco. As President of KSPI who is also the governing body of ILO, Said Iqbal questioned this.

"Why should there be police and soldiers? Is it so precarious about THR, that the police and army are present?", he asked.

According to Iqbal, this violates international laws and regulations stipulated in the ILO Convention. Therefore, KSPI and ILO Governing Body will report the case to the Judicial Commission and Kompolnas, to protest why THR's demands that only spontaneously cause minor damage to the walls should be taken to the district court threatening prison sentences for workers. Moreover, this is a small matter, which should not have to be brought into the criminal realm.

In addition, Iqbal said, KSPI will also take the case to the ILO hearing in June 2021 as a case of violations of the right of association and the right to negotiate, as well as the criminalization of workers who are fighting for their rights protected by labor law in Indonesia and international law of the ILO Convention.

"KSPI will also campaign internationally and nationally against companies that should be suspected of violations of workers' rights at PT Indomarco and criminalization of Anwar Bessy who is fighting for his THR", he said.

Invite workers to boycott Indomaret

Iqbal will also call on workers to boycott by not shopping for necessities in Indomaret modern retail.

"And will instruct KSPI members in Indonesia to hold rallies in Indomaret stores and pt Indomarco offices throughout Indonesia", he said

Iqbal said that this action will be carried out by continuing to implement health protocols by the direction of the COVID-19 Task Force in their respective regions until the Judge decides to release Anwar Bessy purely free and found not guilty.

Not enough with that, KSPI will also take action on the Indonesia Stock Exchange to question its shares because it ignores workers' rights.

In line with Said Iqbal, FSPMI President Riden Hatam Aziz as the union that oversees Anwar Bessy will make a full defense. In this case, KSPI and FSPMI pleaded with the North Jakarta District Court judge to declare Anwar Bessy not guilty and asked the management of PT Indomarco Prismatama to dismiss the case and rehire Anwar Bessy and fulfill all his rights as a worker at PT Indomarco.

"If this is not met, then KSPI and FSPMI will conduct a national and international campaign against Indomarco and Indomaret products. Action will be carried out continuously in Indomarco stores and offices throughout Indonesia by applicable laws and follow health protocols," Hatam said.

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