JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) or SMF is working with the Directorate General of Human Settlements, the Ministry of PUPR to make house improvements in the Unfit Home Area (RTLH) in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra.

The collaboration was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Monday 3 May at the SMF Office which was signed by the Director of SMF, Trisnadi Yulrisman, and the Mayor of Lubuklinggau, Prana Putra Sohe, witnessed by the Managing Director of SMF, Ananta Wiyogo, Director of SMF, Heliantopo, and the Project Implementation Unit. , Ministry of PUPR, Mochmammad Fakhrur Rizqi.

This collaboration is the realization of the Slum Development Program, which is the SMF's special assignment as the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicle (SMV). Lubuklinggau City is the 8th city in the program, which is a collaboration between SMF and the Dirjen Cipta Karya's Kotaku (City Without Slum) Program. Previously, SMF and the Director General of Human Settlements had made house repairs in slum areas in the cities of Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bukittinggi, Pontianak, Makassar, Pekalongan, and Tangerang.

President Director of SMF, Ananta Wiyogo revealed that the funds spent for this activity came from funds for the partnership and community development program (PKBL) as well as part of the company's social responsibility to the surrounding community.

"The funds disbursed in this program are a mandate from the Government through the Ministry of Finance to SMF which comes from taxes paid by the Indonesian people. So from the people it returns to the people," said Ananta Wiyogo in a written statement, received Tuesday, May 4.

Ananta also said that this collaboration was part of SMF's commitment to support the Government's program to accelerate the National Economic Recovery (PEN), especially in the housing sector, through the provision of decent housing, especially for poor people.

Currently the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred more than 1 year ago in Indonesia. The number of people who are positive for COVID-19 is still growing.

Then slum or uninhabitable settlements and densely populated settlements are one of the points that have become the center of attention of the government in handling COVID-19. People who live in slum areas or are unfit for habitation are very vulnerable to contracting and transmitting diseases, including COVID-19.

"For this reason, in an effort to help government programs accelerate national economic recovery and prevent the spread of the impact of Covid 19, SMF continues to continue its program of improving the quality of houses in slum areas, even though in a pandemic condition we do not know when it will end," said Ananta.

Furthermore, Ananta said that through this cooperation it is hoped that it can realize urban settlements that are livable, productive and sustainable by increasing access to housing and services in urban slum settlements.

"We hope this program can improve people's lives through the availability of proper housing and create a healthy home environment," he said.

On the same occasion the Mayor of Lubuklinggau, Prana Putra Sohe expressed his gratitude for the attention and contribution of SMF and the Director General of Human Settlements in building slum areas in Lubuklinggau which are part of 17 poor cities / regencies in Indonesia.

"This certainly makes our city look better and better," he said.

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