JAKARTA - Three state-owned enterprises (BUMN) were transformed into running the fisheries, plantation and food sectors, under the name Agrinas. Then, will the holding be formed later?

The three SOEs are Virama Karya, Yodya Karya and Indra Karya. Where later Virama Karya will become PT Agrinas Jaladri Nusantara. Then, Yodya Karya became PT Agrinas Pangan Nusantara and Indra Karya became PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of SOEs Putri Violla said that there are no plans to form a new holding. Moreover, he said, from the three BUMN works, only one has officially changed its name from Indra Karya to PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara.

"So far, there hasn't been any in that direction. Because it's still a process, because all kinds of transitions are not fast, these two are mainly Yodya and Virama," he said when met at the BUMN Ministry office, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.

Putri also revealed the considerations of these three state-owned enterprises to expand their business sectors to food, fisheries and plantations. He said the reason was because they were to seize existing business opportunities.

"The consideration is that so far we know that SOEs need restructuring. Continue to see what opportunities are there if they strengthen in addition to moving in the construction and then see there are opportunities for need. Then the government needs to strengthen the food sector," he said.

"Finally seeing the opportunity there, the works were then given in addition to the construction, yes, the field was there, so the name was changed to Agrinas," he continued.

SOEs Can Change Business Models Quickly

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said the process of changing the state-owned company's business model was now much faster in line with the issuance of Law (UU) Number 1 of 2025.

This was conveyed by Erick in response to the change of PT Indra Karya (Persero) to PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara (Persero).

Erick explained that with the new BUMN Law, Indra Karya, which initially focused on conducting consulting services, transformed into Agrinas and opened business expansion in the oil palm plantation sector.

"In the new SOE law where this ministry has accelerated wisdom to merged, close, replace business models for all SOEs with fast times," Erick said at the BUMN Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, March 14.

Erick said that previously the process of disbanding state-owned companies and changing business models took a long time.

For example, continued Erick, the case of disbanding PT Pembangunan Armada Niaga Nasional (PT PANN) which was carried out in October 2024. He said the company could finally be closed after undergoing a long review process.

"If you remember when I visited PANN, yesterday it could only be closed, October it was PT PANN. It took a long time. Now we have that flexibility. This is what we are now with this law, we can accelerate it," he said.

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