JAKARTA - President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Iman Rachman, said that the decline in the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) had occurred since last week, one of which was caused by several global issues that affected, coupled with market conditions that were in the wait and see phase.
"If we look at the decline in the index that has occurred since last week. So something that is not a natural thing, some global issues are indeed happening. As we can see and also some things that are happening at this time they are waiting and see," he told the media crew, Tuesday, March 18.
He also explained that today's index decline was largely influenced by the sell-off of foreign investors, which was triggered by information updates related to Donald Trump.
"That is one of the impacts for the decline in our index today," he explained.
Iman emphasized that the decline in the index is an accumulation of various factors, not just domestic factors.
Secara fundamental, Iman menyampaikan tidak ada masalah terkait emiten yang melantai di IDI, karena kinerja perusahaan secara umum lebih baik pada laporan keuangan 2024 dibanding tahun 2023.
"So fundamentally there are no issues, what happens is perception or sentiment rather than investors regarding the condition of the company," he said.
Similarly, Member of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as well as Chief Executive of the Capital Market, Finance, Derivative and Carbon Exchange Inarno Djajadi said that there were several policies that had been prepared to be implemented related to the capital market.
"We have some policies that we will do. Now God willing, tomorrow we will do one of these, what is the policy that we will do," he said.
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