YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) has inaugurated the 2021 Religious Holidays Allowance (THR) post. This post provides a number of facilities consisting of information services, complaints about the implementation of THR payments, consultation, to review of law enforcement violations of religious THR payments.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah explained that the THR post this year is different from last year's. For this year, apart from internal parties at the Ministry of Manpower, representatives of employers and workers were also included in the post.

"We want to really involve labor stakeholders, we consolidate internally, but we also invite into this post as representations of workers and labor unions as well as representatives of employers," he said at the inauguration of the THR 2021 Post, Monday 19 April.

In terms of services, it is further divided online (online) and offline (offline). Employers or workers who intend to submit reports directly can visit the THR post which is located on Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 51 Building B 1st Floor, South Jakarta, in the Ministry of Manpower's One-Stop Integrated Service (PTSA) room.

The implementation of this program is of course still running the health protocol. Therefore, employers or workers who come must show a letter of the results of the COVID-19 test, either a PCR test or an antigen swab.

Meanwhile, visitors who have not received a COVID-19-free certificate do not need to worry, because the service will be provided at the location for free.

Steps to access online

For information, this posko can be accessed online via www.bantuan.kemnaker.go.id and also through the 1500 630 call center. The first step, employers or workers can open the kemnaker.go.id website page, then select the THR post service to present options two terms, including THR information, THR complaints, and also consultation.

After that the employer or worker can choose the THR consultation and complaint menu, and continue to the help center service, then select the complaint service.

However, to carry out consultations and complaints, you must have a user login, by entering your KTP, cellphone number, or email, and password. Then, only then can you submit a consultation or complaint. If successful then consultations or complaints will be recorded.

However, to get consultation and complaint services, visitors are required to have a user login, including their KTP, mobile number, email, and password.

According to Ida, the presence of this religious THR post is a form of government concern so that workers / laborers' rights to receive Religious THR can be paid according to the stipulated provisions.

From the schedule, the THR post is open from April 20 to May 20, 2021. Meanwhile, the THR offline post has an active schedule from 08.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB.

It is planned that the THR post will also be presented in provinces, regencies or cities throughout Indonesia. Thus, the implementation of coordination can be more active. Ida hopes that the THR post can operate in accordance with the provisions and mechanisms of legislation that are effective and orderly, in order to reach a mutually satisfying agreement between employers and workers.

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